08 December 2014

19th EAPR (European Association for Potato Research) Triennial Conference

On the initiative of CRA-W, the 19thTriennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Potato was held in Brussels from 6 to 11 July 2014, and was a successful international meeting with more than 400 participants coming from 56 differents countries all over the world.

Under the presidency ofJean‐Pierre Goffart (CRA-W), it was organised by a Belgian Committee constituted fromthe scientific agricultural research centres (CRA‐W, ILVO), universities (UCL, UGent, Gbx‐ULg, KUL / BDB), technical centres (FIWAP, CARAH, PCA, INAGRO),administration (Vlaamse Gewest) and the Belgian potato industry (Belgapom).The main theme of this conference was the sustainability of the potato cropand its industry, an essential dimension, like economic and environmentalpoint of view than food security worldwide. The industrial potato processing sector is highly developed in Western Europe, especially in Belgium, the country currently holding the world leadership in the export of potato based frozen products. The scientific topics of the Conference covered all aspects of the production and marketing of potatoes, with a focus on the most recent advances on sustainable and innovative techniques. More information are available on  http://www.eapr.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/EAPR_newsletter_2_2014.pdf  and on the website www.eapr2014.be .

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