Walloon Agricultural Research Centre
A few facts and figures ...
Site (Gembloux, Libramont et Mussy-la-Ville)
Hectares of cropland
Hectares used for organic agriculture

The CRA-W brings together scientific research, service and support functions in support of Walloon
farmers, stockbreeders, horticulturists, forestry producers and operators in the agri-food sector.
Scientific research is focused in four main areas :
Precision farming
to produce more sustainably
Precision livestock farming:
for more sustainable production
Risk management
to stabilise production outcomes while protecting the environment and consumers
Understanding products
to ensure the quality of the production processes and the products derived from them

Some 130 scientific research projects are carried out on an ongoing basis, attentive to beneficiaries' needs and expectations, and involving Walloon, Belgian, European and international partners.
Projects aimed primarily at :
Curbing the use of synthetic inputs and mitigating the climate change impact of agriculture
Producing quality products in a more sustainable way by maintaining farmers' standards of living and promoting animal welfare and the protection of the environment and biodiversity
Boosting production profitability, thus ensuring a decent income for Walloon farmers
Helping to enhance the value of agricultural production in conventional or local sectors (organic or otherwise)

The various and complementary capabilities of each CRA-W research unit cover the entire agricultural sector.
The CRA-W scientific research activities are accompanied by a series of services and advisory facilities for professionals and the general public. They cover a variety of agricultural topics.