14 April
31 December 2010

Amélioration des connaissances portant sur l'application des produits biocides de type 8, 14 et 18

Improvement of knowledge about the method of application of biocidal products PT8, 14 and 18


The biocides are characterized by a very wide scope of application and cover a vast whole of human activities in the non agricultural field. More than 600 biocides are approved in Belgium. They are classified of 23 different types (human hygiene, disinfecting for water of drink, rodenticides, avicides…). The forms in which the biocides are presented are also very diverse (liquid, powder, aerosol sprayer, bait…). This great diversity implies a large number of methods of application. To be put on the market, a biocide must obtain an authorization coming from the Federal Public Service (health, food chain safety and environment). The approval form must contain a technical part (article 5 of the AR of May 22, 2003 appendix II B) in which the method of application of biocide, as well as the description of the material used, must be specified. Nevertheless, these data are often very brief and do not allow the administration to assess the feasibility of the treatment.


The overall purpose of this study is to give a description of the techniques of biocide’s application and to provide tools to the agents in charge of the evaluation of new products. Taking into account the large number of biocides, the state of the art and the inventory of the techniques of application will be limited to the 3 following types of biocides: wood preservatives (product type 8), rodenticides (product type 14) and insecticides, acaricides and products used to fight against the arthropods (product type 18). They form together about half approved product in Belgium and are certainly the biocides which raise the most questions. The specific objectives are, for product types 8, 14 and 18:
 - listing of the relevant factors linked to the method of application;
 - inventory and description of the methods of application;
 - inventory and description of the equipments of application used for each method;
 - inventory of contact people for each method/equipment of application (retailer, producer, user…);
 - outline of the research orientations and prospects for methods of application.

Results obtained

3 databases were created in Access, one for each biocide type (wood preservatives, rodenticides and insecticides, acaricides and products used to fight against the arthropods). Each database contains information about the authorized biocides the 01/01/2008 and is composed of 5 main tables:
 - table product: contains information about product authorized on the market (commercial name, number of authorization, formulation, holder, actives substances, concentrations…);
 - table formulation : gives the name of formulation (French, English), definition and international code of formulation;
 - table method of application : contains all information about the methods of application (name, preparation, description, user, PPE, location, pictures, equipment of application, comments….);
 - table equipment of application : contains all information about the equipments of application (name, description, pictures,….);
 - table contact : gives the list of contact people (name, company, type, mail, address, …).
These database are used by the Federal Public service in order to ratify new authorizations.

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  • SPF Public Health
