Baptiste DUMONT Chercheur senior

Baptiste DUMONT

  • +32 81 87 46 18

Building Emile Marchal

Rue de Liroux, 4 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 04 Fax : +32 81 87 40 14
Scientific publications

Le point agrométéorologique : situation climatique + deux nouveaux OAD en céreales CECIBLE et PHENOBLE

Rosillon, D. , Huart, J.P. , De Proft, M. , Dumont, B. & Planchon, V. (2020). Le point agrométéorologique : situation climatique + deux nouveaux OAD en céreales CECIBLE et PHENOBLE....

Damien ROSILLON Chercheur senior
Rosillon, D.
Scientific publications

In-field proximal sensing of septoria tritici blotch, stripe rust and brown rust in winter wheat by means of reflectance and textural features from multispectral imagery

Bebronne, R. , Carlier, A. , Meurs, R. , Leemans, V. , Vermeulen, P. , Dumont, B. & Mercatoris, B. (2020). In-field proximal sensing of septoria tritici blotch, stripe rust and...

Philippe VERMEULEN Chercheur senior
Vermeulen, P.
Scientific publications

PhenWheat : A field phenotyping platform for wheat trials

Carlier, A. , Dandrifosse, S. , Bebronne, R. , Vincke, D. , Vermeulen, P. , Baeten, V. , Dumont, B. & Mercatoris, B. (2020). PhenWheat : A field phenotyping platform for wheat...

Damien VINCKE Chercheur senior
Vincke, D.
Scientific publications

Characterisation of fungal diseases on winter wheat crop using proximal and remote multispectral imaging

Bebronne, R. , Michez, A. , Leemans, V. , Dumont, B. , Vermeulen, P. & Mercatoris, B. (2019). Characterisation of fungal diseases on winter wheat crop using proximal and remote...

Philippe VERMEULEN Chercheur senior
Vermeulen, P.
Scientific publications

Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics

Eylenbosch, D. , Dumont, B. , Baeten, V. , Bodson, B. , Delaplace, P. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2018). Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared...

Lisa PLASMAN Chercheur senior
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications


Meza, R. , Jacquemin, G. , Dumont, B. , Bacchetta, R. , Heens, B. , Mahieu, O. , Blanchard, R. , Monfort, B. , Chavalle, S. , De Proft, M. , Gofflot, S. , Van Remoortel, V. , Sinnaeve,...

Guillaume JACQUEMIN Chercheur senior
Jacquemin, G.
Scientific publications

Variétés – Froment d’hiver.

Meza, R. , Dumont, B. , Jacquemin, G. , Bacchetta, R. , Heens, B. , Mahieu, O. , Monfort, B. , Chavalle, S. , De Proft, M. , Goffart, J.P. , Gofflot, S. , Van Remoortel, V. , Sinnaeve,...

Guillaume JACQUEMIN Chercheur senior
Jacquemin, G.
Scientific publications

Nutrition azotée de l'épeautre en Ardenne et en région limoneuse.

Escarnot, E. , Meza, R. , Cremer, S. , De Toffoli, M. , Lambert, R. , Sinnaeve, G. , Bodson, B. & Dumont, B. (2017). Nutrition azotée de l'épeautre en Ardenne et en région limoneuse....

 Chercheur senior
Scientific publications

A model for wheat yield prediction based on real-time monitoring of environmental factors

Dumont, B. , Lebeau, F. , Vancutsem, F. , Moureaux, C. , Bodson, B. , Destain, J. & Destain, M. (2010). A model for wheat yield prediction based on real-time monitoring of environmental...

Jean-Pierre GOFFART Chercheur senior
Goffart, J.P.
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