The International Energy Agency was created in 1974 as an independent body within the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) to set up an international programme of energy planning in response to the oil crises. 25 of the 29 member states of the OECD are part of the IEA.Tne Bioenergy Agreement of the International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in 1978 with the aim of improving the cooperation and exchange of information between countries having national programmes of research, development and bioenergy development.
Coordination and stimulation of research activities on the production of biomass for energy from a sustainable forestry.The agreement also aims at developing new technologies as well as new markets.
Description of tasks
- stimulating new research directions helping to reach the sustainable development objectives of national programmes of each participating country ;- transfer of technologies based on integrated models of biomass production systems ;
- the integrated approach takes into account the biological, economic, environmental and social components ;
- promotion of interdisciplinary collaborations between key partners of the scientific research, governments and industries.
Results obtained
Setting up of a synthesis of the good practices to be used when producing energy from forest.Partners
Texas A&M University (USA), Växjö University (Sweden), Canadian Forest Service (Canada), CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products (Australia), Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute (Denmark),Norwegian Forest Research Institute (Norway), USDA Forest Service (USA)
CRAW off coordinator
- SPF Public Health