12 September 2011

CRA-W reference laboratories

CRA-W comprises a large number of laboratories working in all areas of analytical agronomy. The CRA-W laboratories can carry out more than 200 different analyses. Some of these laboratories are national reference laboratories (NRL), community reference laboratories (CRL), members of laboratory networks (REQUASUD) or work for organisations like the World Health Organisation (WHO).

  • National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Plant Diseases

    A royal decree passed on 19 April 2007 appointed the CRA-W's Plant Protection and Ecotoxicology Unit and its Flemish counterpart, ILVO's Eenheid Plant en Gewasbescherming, as a National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Plant Diseases. Although the two institutions work together, each has its own speciality. CRA-W is the reference laboratory for Mycology and Virology.
    This NRL has several aims. Firstly, its role is to support the authorities (mainly FASFC) in setting up, maintaining and improving a network of official phytopathology laboratories by disseminating information through the Comparative Testing and Communication Group. Secondly, if crises or incidents occur, the NRL is asked to provide FASFC with technical and scientific advice. The NRL also has to perform at least 10% of the total number of official analyses scheduled in the control plan in order to maintain its status. In this context, like all official laboratories seeking FASFC approval, the NRL laboratories must implement an ISO 17025 compliant quality system. Lastly, the NRL is expected to perform a 'science watch' by attending scientific meetings and technical workshops and taking part in international ring trials.

    Although the European Union does not yet require there to be national reference laboratories for Phytopathology, a number of national plant protection organisations are currently putting pressure on the Commission to issue to a draft Directive along such lines. The official designation of a Phytopathology NRL in Belgium thus makes it a precursor in this field in Europe, as only two other member states (France and the Czech Republic) officially have one to date. Contact person: Michel Deproft, deproft@cra.wallonie.be

    -WHO Collaborating Centre for Pesticide Quality Control
    Contact persons: Michel De Proft, deproft@cra.wallonie.be and Olivier Pigeon, pigeon@cra.wallonie.be
  • Community Reference Laboratory for detection of animal protein (CRL-AP) in animal feed (2006-2011)

    Contact person: Dr. Vincent Baeten, baeten@cra.wallonie.be

  • National Reference Laboratory for Milk and Dairy Products (NRL-Milk), in association with ILVO since August 2007

  • Contact person: Dr. Véronique Ninane, ninane@cra.wallonie.be

  • National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (NRL-OGM), in association with ILVO and ISP
    since July 2006

    Contact person: Dr. Gilbert Berben, berben@cra.wallonie.be
  • Reference Laboratory within the RéquaSud network for Fodder and Cattle Feed  

  • Biochemical Laboratory at the Agricultural Systems Section, Libramont

    Contact person: Richard Agneessens, agneessens@cra.wallonie.be

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