17 April
31 December 2012

Développement de méthodes d’analyse de la constitution des fourrages et des aliments pour animaux

Methods development for the analysis of forages and feedstuff feeding value


The determination of the feeds nutritive value is necessary for the study of the food behavior of the livestock.

In this context, the stockbreeder will be able to develop feed available as well as possible, but to also direct the choice towards news varieties, others species or news technological process apt to offset some constitution failures.


The biochemical laboratory of the Farming Systems Section applies reference methods and develops new methods and technologies to characterize as precisely as possible feeds composition.

Results obtained

The parameters investigated in this study include all the organics constituents potentially responsible of the alimentary behaviour definition and are thus in direct relation with the substrate, his phenotypicals particularities and his technological story.The next criteria are commonly analysed:-          storage carbohydrates: starch, inulin, reducing sugars, total soluble sugars, amylose, amylopectin, individual sugars.-          structural carbohydrates: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin.-          fat: free fat, total fat, saturated fatty acids, mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids.-          nitrogenous components: crude proteins, soluble proteins, true proteins, fibers linked proteins, free aminoacids,  total aminoacids, sulphur aminoacids.-          anti-nutritional and toxics factors : glucosinolates, glycoalcaloïdes, mycotoxins.-          fermentation balance : pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, volatils fatty acids, lactic acid.  


The laboratory of the Section, as reference laboratory in this scope, and the Quality of agricultural products Department develop near infrared spectroscopy calibrations for the investigated criteria and substrates.


Faculté universitaire de Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux (FUSAGx), Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB),

CER - Hormonology Section,

Requasud asbl.

CRAW off coordinator

Ing. AGNEESSENS Richard 

CRA-W - Section Systèmes agricoles

Rue de Serpont, 100

B-6800 Libramont

Tel :  +32 (0) 61 / 23.10.10

Fax :+ 32 (0) 61 / 23.10.28

E-mail : agneessens@cra.wallonie.be





  • CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre