Early abortion in reciprocal crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus polyanthus, and in vitro culture of immature embryos from these species.

  • Toussaint, A. , Geerts, P. , Clement, F. , Mergeai, G. & Baudoin, J.P. (2004). Early abortion in reciprocal crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus polyanthus, and in vitro culture of immature embryos from these species. Belg. Journ. Bot. 137: (1), 47-54.
Type Journal Article
Year 2004
Title Early abortion in reciprocal crosses between Phaseolus vulgaris and Phaseolus polyanthus, and in vitro culture of immature embryos from these species.
Journal Belg. Journ. Bot.
Volume 137
Issue 1
Pages 47-54.
Type of article avec comité de lecture
Authors Toussaint, A., Geerts, P., Clement, F., Mergeai, G., Baudoin, J.P.