This survey financed by Electrabel was made within the framework of green energy production and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.Objectives
Within the context of the Kyoto Protocol and of the setting up of a system reducing fossil CO2 emissions, the Renewable Energy Unit of the main Belgian power producer, Electrabel, has chosen the Agricultural Engineering Department of the CRA-W to assess the posibility of supplying a power plant with woody biomass of Walloon origin.Description of tasks
Resource survey. From the Walloon Permanent Forest Inventory (IFW), the measurements made in the field and the analyses made in the laboratory, the Walloon resource of woody biomass is assessed quantitatively, qualitatively and geographically.Mobilization methods. Starting from the survey made among Walloon forestry agents, from visits and methods analyses of existing harvesting systems (Scandinavia, Canada, Austria) and from in situ tests, the different possible processes within the Walloon context are defined. They are then techno-economically modelled in order to determine the cost and final quality of the fuel.
Quality of the produced biofuel. Tests made in the laboratory make it possible to determine the main characteristics of the biofuel produced, depending on different supply chains (GCV, NCV, granulometry, ash content, dryness rate, density).
Global feasibility. Former analyses and models are put together in order to determine the supply feasibility of a power plant in Wallonia. The methodology is made concrete with two practical cases : the power plants of Amercoeur (Charleroi) and of the Awirs (Liège).
Results obtained
The survey made it possible to assess in a quantitative, qualitative and geographical way, the wood resource coming from forest residues which can potentially be transformed into electricity in a power plant. It also assessed the feasibility as well as the viability of different supplying methods as well as a setting up strategy.Residues potentially produced annually in Wallonia were estimated at 400 000 tons of dry matter. Depending on the supplying chains, the cost price when entering the power unit varies from 4.1 €/GJ to 6.2 €/GJ.
FUSAGx – Forest Management and Economy Unit,Biomass Energy Regional Agency (ERBE),
International Energy Agency (IEA).
CRAW off coordinator
VAN_BELLE Jean-François (Attaché scientifique)Département Génie rural
Chaussée de Namur, 146
B-5030 Gembloux
Téléphone direct :62 71 77
Téléphone département :+ 32(81) 61 25 01
Fax département :+ 32(81) 61 58 47
- Electrabel