Frédéric DEBODE Directeur scientifique

Frédéric DEBODE

  • +32 81 87 52 02
Scientific publications

Les OGM non-autorisés à la loupe

Debode, F. (2009). Les OGM non-autorisés à la loupe. 22:

Frédéric DEBODE Directeur scientifique
Debode, F.
Scientific publications

A PCR-Microarray method for the Screening of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Hamels, S. , Glouden, T. , Gillard, K. , Debode, F. , Foti, N. , Sneyers, M. , Esteve Nuez, T. , Pla, M. , Berben, G. , Moens, W. , Bertheau, Y. , Audéon, C. , Van Den Eede, G. &...

Frédéric DEBODE Directeur scientifique
Debode, F.
biological engineering unit

Frédéric DEBODE Directeur scientifique
Debode, F.
Scientific publications

Physical degradation of genomic DNA of soybean flours does not impair relative quantification of its Roundup ready content.

Debode, F. , Janssen, E. & Berben, G. (2007). Physical degradation of genomic DNA of soybean flours does not impair relative quantification of its Roundup ready content. Eur. Food...

Frédéric DEBODE Directeur scientifique
Debode, F.
Scientific publications

Challenges for future research in GMO detection.

Berben, G. , Debode, F. , De Loose, M. , Janssen, E. , Papazova, E. , Sneyers, M. , Taverniers, I. , Leunda, A. , De Schrijver, A. & Van Den Bulcke, M. (2007). Challenges for future...

Gilbert BERBEN Directeur scientifique
Berben, G.
Scientific publications

Analytical sample preparation steps for GMO analysis.

Berben, G. , Debode, F. & Janssen, E. (2007). Analytical sample preparation steps for GMO analysis.. GMO detection in the EU: past, present and future, Platform for Scientific...

Gilbert BERBEN Directeur scientifique
Berben, G.


European Union reference laboratory, coordinator

Vincent BAETEN Directeur scientifique
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Developing of a quantitative PCR method for screening and detection of genetically modified potato.

Zdenkova, K. , Berben, G. , Debode, F. , Janssen, E. & Demnerova, K. (2006). Developing of a quantitative PCR method for screening and detection of genetically modified potato....

Gilbert BERBEN Directeur scientifique
Berben, G.
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