Gilbert BERBEN Inspecteur général expert

Gilbert BERBEN

  • +32 81 87 52 00
  • +32 472 96 12 15

Building Maurice Henseval

Chée de Namur, 24 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 09 Fax : +32 81 87 40 19
Scientific publications

Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases

Baeten, V. , Vermeulen, P. , Berben, G. & Dardenne, P. (2004). Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 8: (4 - Special issue), 217-298.

Vincent BAETEN Inspecteur général expert
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Authentification et traçabililé des produits agro-alimentaires: développement et validation de méthodes analytiques

Baeten, V. & Berben, G. (2004). Authentification et traçabililé des produits agro-alimentaires: développement et validation de méthodes analytiques CRA-W info Eté, (3), p 2.

Vincent BAETEN Inspecteur général expert
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Les OGM: quantification et qualité de l'ADN

Berben, G. (2004). Les OGM: quantification et qualité de l'ADN CRA-W info Hiver, (1), 2.

Gilbert BERBEN Inspecteur général expert
Berben, G.
Scientific publications

PCR as tool to identify taxon-specific processed animal proteins

Brambilla, G. , Aarts, H. , Berben, G. & Vaccari, G. (2004). PCR as tool to identify taxon-specific processed animal proteins. Proceedings in: International Symposium on Food and...

Gilbert BERBEN Inspecteur général expert
Berben, G.
Scientific publications

Relationship between rendering process temperatures and DNA degradation in Meat and Bone Meals by real time PCR assay

Chiappini, B. , Aarts, H. , Agrimi, U. , Berben, G. , Brambilla, G. , Frezza, D. & Vaccari, G. (2004). Relationship between rendering process temperatures and DNA degradation in...

Gilbert BERBEN Inspecteur général expert
Berben, G.
Scientific publications

An original strategy coupling NIRM and PCR for detection and species identification of MBM particles

Fumière, O. , André, C. , Berben, G. , Dardenne, P. & Baeten, V. (2004). An original strategy coupling NIRM and PCR for detection and species identification of MBM particles. Poster...

Olivier FUMIERE Inspecteur général expert
Fumiere, O.
Scientific publications

Rapid detection of processed animal protein in feed with ReVeal ruminant strip test

Fumière, O. , Osmanaj, I. , Lafortune, M. & Berben, G. (2004). Rapid detection of processed animal protein in feed with ReVeal ruminant strip test. Proceedings in: Rapid Methods...

Olivier FUMIERE Inspecteur général expert
Fumiere, O.
Scientific publications

Quantitation of genetically modified maize MON810 in two reference systems gives evidence of limitations in use of the conversion factor concept

Janssen, E. , Hulin, J. , Debode, F. & Berben, G. (2004). Quantitation of genetically modified maize MON810 in two reference systems gives evidence of limitations in use of the...

Eric JANSSEN Inspecteur général expert
Janssen, E.
Scientific publications

An overview of tests for animal tissues in feeds applied in response to public health concerns regarding BSE

Gizzi, G. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Baeten, V. , Murray, I. , Berben, G. , Brambilla, G. & Von Holst, C. (2003). An overview of tests for animal tissues in feeds applied in response...

Vincent BAETEN Inspecteur général expert
Baeten, V.
172 rows