Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché


  • +32 81 87 49 04

Building Alfred Serge Balachowsky

Rue de Liroux, 2 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 07 Fax : +32 81 87 40 17
Scientific publications

Rode Lijst van de lieveheersbeestjes in Vlaanderen, kansen voor een betere bescherming en een aangepast natuurbeheer.

Adriaens, T. , San Martin, G. , Bogaert, J. , Crevecoeur, L. , Beuckx, J.P. , Lock, K. , Jonckheere, K. & Maes, D. (2014). Rode Lijst van de lieveheersbeestjes in Vlaanderen, kansen...

Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché
San Martin, G.
Scientific publications

Les petites bêtes qui montent ? Tendances des populations de chauves-souris en Europe et en Wallonie.

Smits, Q. & San Martin, G. (2014). Les petites bêtes qui montent ? Tendances des populations de chauves-souris en Europe et en Wallonie. L'Écho des Rhinos 82, 2-3.

Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché
San Martin, G.
Scientific publications

A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 4 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera in oilseed rape.

Jansen, J.P. & San Martin, G. (2014). A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 4 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera...

Jean-Pierre JANSEN Attaché
Jansen, J.P.
Scientific publications

Honeybee Colony Disorder in Crop Areas: The Role of Pesticides and Viruses

Simon-Delso, N. , San Martin, G. , Bruneau, E. , Minsart, L.A. , Mouret, C. & Hautier, L. (2014). Honeybee Colony Disorder in Crop Areas: The Role of Pesticides and Viruses. Plos...

Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché
San Martin, G.
Scientific publications

A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 5 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera in oilseed rape

Jansen, J.P. & San Martin, G. (2014). A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 5 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera...

Jean-Pierre JANSEN Attaché
Jansen, J.P.
Scientific publications

Nuisibilité de la cécidomyie équestre, Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) et protection du blé tendre d’hiver.

Censier, F. , Chavalle, S. , San Martin, G. , De Proft, M. , Bodson, B. & Wittouck, D. (2014). Nuisibilité de la cécidomyie équestre, Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) et protection...

Scientific publications

Sprinkhaanen and the city : (g)een sprong te ver. Evolutie in actie bij de bruine sprinkhaan in het stedelijk milieu.

Van Dyck, H. & San Martin, G. (2013). Sprinkhaanen and the city : (g)een sprong te ver. Evolutie in actie bij de bruine sprinkhaan in het stedelijk milieu. Natuur.focus 12, 4-9.

Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché
San Martin, G.
Scientific publications

Study on the sensitivity of three oat varieties to the saddle gall midge, Haplodiplosis marginata (von Roser) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae).

Censier, F. , Chavalle, S. , San Martin, G. , De Proft, M. & Bodson, B. (2013). Study on the sensitivity of three oat varieties to the saddle gall midge, Haplodiplosis marginata...

Scientific publications

Checklist of the Belgian Neuroptera

Lock, K. & San Martin, G. (2013). Checklist of the Belgian Neuroptera. Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 149: 233-239.

Gilles SAN MARTIN Attaché
San Martin, G.
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