Impact of climatic factors on the release of E-B-caryophyllene from alginate beads.

  • Daems, F. , Bera, F. , Lorge, S. , Fischer, C. , Brostaux, Y. , Francis, F. , Lognay, G. & Heuskin, S. (2016). Impact of climatic factors on the release of E-B-caryophyllene from alginate beads. Biotechnol Agron Sc Environ, 20: (2), 1-13.
Type Journal Article
Year 2016
Title Impact of climatic factors on the release of E-B-caryophyllene from alginate beads.
Journal Biotechnol Agron Sc Environ
Volume 20
Issue 2
Pages 1-13
Abstract The results showed that an increase in temperature caused a significant increase in the E-?-caryophyllene release rate. Neither relative humidity nor airflow, however, had a significant effect on the release of this semiochemical when relative humidity and wind speed ranged from 33% to 75% and from 6.61 x 10-4 m.s-1 to 2.05 x 10-2 m.s-1, respectively. The isotherm curves obtained were characteristic of food products and biopolymer materials. The isotherm shapes were not modified by the incorporation of the semiochemical into alginate beads, and showed an important increase in water content when relative humidity values exceeded 85%. Fortunately, this water content increase did not affect bead size, which facilitates the calculation of E-?-caryophyllene release
Author address
Authors Daems, F., Bera, F., Lorge, S., Fischer, C., Brostaux, Y., Francis, F., Lognay, G., Heuskin, S.