Information dissemination system outside the EU integrated project "TRACE": the website

  • Vermeulen, P. , Lofthouse, J. , Brereton, P. , Smith, J. & Baeten, V. (2006). Information dissemination system outside the EU integrated project "TRACE": the website. Poster in: TRACE 2nd annual meeting: Traceability and the consumer, Prague, 24-25/04/2006.
Type Poster
Year 2006
Title Information dissemination system outside the EU integrated project "TRACE": the website
Event name TRACE 2nd annual meeting: Traceability and the consumer
Event location Prague
Label U15-0556
Recnumber 540
Event date 24-25/04/2006
Type of poster scientifique, recherche
Endnote keywords RA-CRA-W 2005-2006 Pr-TRACE Th-Qualité, traçabilité et sécurité alimentaire Di-Informatique Do-Alimentation humaine
Endnote Keywords internet|computer systems|information systems|
Abstract TRACE aims to produce an information system that will be the central source of food authenticity and traceability in Europe. To achieve this objective, a website has been created. This system is built based on the work developed within the FP5 STRATFEED project. To implement the public website, the versions PHP 5.0 and MySQL 4.1.7 have been selected. All web-related code is in compliance with all the W3C-standards. To ensure the security of the system, the website is installed on a dedicated server and protected by firewall and antivirus software. To give a project image to the European people, logo and layout have been conceived by a professional designer according with the requirements of the scientific committee. The logo represents the traceability symbolised by a green ball travelling through a blue line from right to left through the project name: TRACE. The website home page accessible at is divided in 3 frames. The main frame displays the current news and events put on-line by a number web-correspondents within the project using specific tool. The topics developed in the top frame give to the visitor information on the project itself. In the left frame, the visitor can find general topics on traceability and authenticity. Six bibliographic databases published through Reference Manager Web Publisher 11.0 have been initiated. At the beginning of 2006, they contained 350 documents including events, news, useful links, press releases, documents produced in the frame of the project and external publications. They will be updated throughout the lifetime of the project to produce a comprehensive information resource on traceability and authenticity.
Author address Vermeulen Philippe, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Caption U15-0556-vermeulen-2006.jpg
Authors Vermeulen, P., Lofthouse, J., Brereton, P., Smith, J., Baeten, V.
