Mixing lupin to miaze silage: towards a better nutritional balance of crude forage for dairy cow feeding

  • Froidmont, E. , Delbouille, L. , Romnee, J. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2004). Mixing lupin to miaze silage: towards a better nutritional balance of crude forage for dairy cow feeding. Proceedings in: International workshop AEP "Grain legumes and the environment: how to assess benefits and impacts?", Zurich - Switzerland, 18-19/11/2004, 44.
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2004
Title Mixing lupin to miaze silage: towards a better nutritional balance of crude forage for dairy cow feeding
Conference name International workshop AEP "Grain legumes and the environment: how to assess benefits and impacts?"
Conference location Zurich - Switzerland
Recnumber 298
Pages 44
Label 109
conference Date 18-19/11/2004
Type of article scientifique, recherche
Endnote keywords RA-CRA-W 2003-2004
Author address Romnee Jean-Michel, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux, romnee@cra.wallonie.be
Caption 109-Romnee-2004.pdf
Lien http://www.grainlegumes.com/var/plain/storage/original/application/cb4ff1bf1dd9b397c58820642ce68592.pdf
Authors Froidmont, E., Delbouille, L., Romnee, J., Bartiaux-Thill, N.