17 April
31 December 2012

Normalisation des méthodes de mesures liées à la précision de l’application des produits de protection des plantes

Standardization of methods to measure the precision of Application of agrochemical products in agriculture


One of the main role of the Department is the setting up of measuring methods making it possible to assess the performances of agricultural equipment as far as the technique and economy are concerned. In the specific sector of the application of plant protection products (PPP), the Department takes an active part in the drawing up of European (CEN) and international (ISO) standards. For this reason, the Department officially represents the Belgian Standardization Institute (IBN) at two standardization Technical Committees :
CEN/TC144/WG3 : « Mobile machines and trailers » ;
ISO/TC23/SC6 : « Equipment for crop protection ».


Because of its experience, the Department cannot be overlooked concerning standardization. The role of the Department is to give a scientific support during the writing of new standards and to make sure the propositions made by the private as well as the public sectors taking part to the drawing up of standards are objective. On the other hand, the Department puts forward a certain “Belgian” position in order to stand up for the interest of our manufacturers of farming equipment, the quality of our agricultural production as well as the national agricultural policies.
The works of the Department are carried out by consulting and collaborating with national associations of manufacturers and importers (Fedagrim and Agoria). Manufacturers of spraying equipment (Delvano, Beyne , Bab…) and Research Centres (CLO, PCF, …). Depending on the subject of the standardization project and/or the requirements in additional skills, other national actors are associated.
At last, the Department is a member of the European network of agricultural devices testing Centres (Entam) which is an important group of discussion concerning standardization.

Description of tasks

Without being exhaustive, the Department takes an active part in the following standardization working groups :

ISO/TC23/WG4 « Drift measurement » :
this working group studies the measuring methods of the spraying drift in the field.

ISO/TC23/WG5 «Knapsack sprayers » :
this working group sets up testing methods and defines some tolerances in order to assess the performances of knapsack sprayers.

ISO/TC23/WG6 « Cleaning of sprayers » :
this working group studies the methods measuring the performances of rinsing systems of the sprayer (inside + outside).

ISO/TC23/WG7 « Drift Classification procedures » :
this working group draws up a classification procedure of spraying equipment as for its drift potential.
ISO/TC23/WG9 « Colour coding of sprayer nozzles » :
this working group draws up the colour coding for the identification of spraying nozzles and filters.
ISO/TC23/WG10 « Demonstration track for field crop sprayers » :
this working grou sets up a demonstration track in order to assess the performances of sprayers’ boom suspensions.

Expected results

The development of standardized measuring methods is important for the development of networks of excellence and inter-laboratory comparison at international level.
In the mean term, the measurements carried out following standardized specifications will be submitted to a mutual agreement between the different European research centres. The participation to the writing of standards (ISO, CEN) allows the Department to integrate in the beginning the new measuring methods and techniques.


IBN, CEN, ISO, Fedagrim, Agoria, CLO, Entam

CRAW off coordinator

HUYGHEBAERT Bruno (Attaché scientifique)
Département Génie rural
Chaussée de Namur, 146
B-5030 Gembloux
Téléphone direct :62 71 67
Téléphone département :+ 32(81) 61 25 01
Fax département :+ 32(81) 61 58 47
E-mail :huyghebaert@cra.wallonie.be

MOSTADE Olivier (Attaché scientifique)
Département Génie rural
Chaussée de Namur, 146
B-5030 Gembloux
Téléphone direct :62 71 46
Téléphone département :+ 32(81) 61 25 01
Fax département :+ 32(81) 61 58 47
E-mail :mostade@cra.wallonie.be


  • CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre
