In accordance with (EC) 1107/2009, (EU) 283/2013, (EU) 284/2013 regulations and WHO recommendations.
In compliance with the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).
- Validation of analytical methods
SANCO 3030/99
Specificity, linearity of detector response, accuracy (recoveries and efficacy of extraction), repeatability, limit of quantification (LOQ), stability of pesticides in standard and sample solutions.
- Full studies according to the EU and CRD / HSE Data Requirements
- Treatment of the seeds (Hege 11 apparatus)
- Receipt, preparation and storage of seeds before analysis
- Validation of analytical method
- Determination of plant protection products on treated seeds
- Adhesion to treated seeds and seed loading (CIPAC MT 194)
- Seed-to-seed uniformity of distribution (CIPAC MT 175)
- Heubach test (dust content)
- Long term storage of treated seeds (18 months)
- Plant protection products analyses on treated seeds
- Management of multi-site studies as Study Director or collaboration to multi-sites studies as Field or Analytical Principal Investigator
Practical modalities

Target audience
Public Authorities
Patricia De Vos
Olivier Pigeon (Test Facility Manager)
Vanessa Hérion (Quality Assurance)