Philippe VERMEULEN Responsable de projets


  • +32 81 87 52 43

Building Maurice Henseval

Chée de Namur, 24 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 09 Fax : +32 81 87 40 19
Ir. Philippe VERMEULEN is research engineer at the Valorisation of Agricultural Products Department at the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W, Gembloux - Belgium). He got in 1988 his Engineer degree in Agricultural Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain. During ten years, he worked in a breeding private company (Hybritech-Monsanto) on a European research program in hybrid wheat. Since 2001, he works in CRA-W, inside Quality and authentication of agricultural products Unit. He is involved in the development of spectroscopic methods for the control on-line of agro-food products and feed. He is also working in several studies to assess the quality of those products in the field, in the farm, in the greenhouse, in orchard and in the food/feed companies. He is also involved as dissemination officer through several European projects (Stratfeed 2001-2004; Trace 2005-2009; Conffidence 2008-2012) and networks (ICNIRS 2008-; EURL-AP 2007- ; Feedsafety 2007- ).
Scientific publications

Near infrared imaging for cereal's health status

Vincke, D. , Demoitié, C. , Eylenbosch, D. , Jacquemin, G. , Kayoka, N. , Plasman, L. , Scaut, B. , Mercatoris, B. , Baeten, V. & Vermeulen, P. (2023). Near infrared imaging for...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

CRAWLSPEC A solution for spectral data management

Joissains,M. , Vermeulen, P. , Baeten, V. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Brichard, S. & Scaut, B. (2023). CRAWLSPEC A solution for spectral data management. Poster in: NIR 2023 : 21st...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Synthèse de la littérature scientifique concernant les applications hyperspectrales agricoles & Rapport sur les applications potentielles dans le domaine de l’agriculture

Troiani, M. , Stevens, F. , Leclère,L. , Curnel, Y. & Vermeulen, P. (2023). Synthèse de la littérature scientifique concernant les applications hyperspectrales agricoles & Rapport...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Near infrared hyperspectral imaging method to assess Fusarium Head Blight infection on winter wheat ears

Vincke, D. , Eylenbosch, D. , Jacquemain, G. , Chandelier, A. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Stevens, F. , Baeten, V. , Mercatoris, B. & Vermeulen, P. (2023). Near infrared hyperspectral...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging as a tool for analyzing carbon and nitrogen in soil cores

Vermeulen, P. , Arlotti, D. , Huyghebaert, B. & Baeten, V. (2023). Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging as a tool for analyzing carbon and nitrogen in soil cores....

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Intelligence artificielle et capteurs de données. Transformer les données en solutions agronomiques concrètes.

Planchon, V. , Rabier, F. , Wavreille, J. , Stilmant, D. , Huyghebaert, B. , Baeten, V. , Limbourg, Q. , Decruyenaere, V. , Mathy, D. , Rosillon, D. , Lucau-Danila, C. , Leclercq,...

Viviane PLANCHON Responsable de projets
Planchon, V.
Scientific publications

Variétés en blé dur 2023

Meza, R. , Crevits, C. , Vermeulen, P. , Godin, B. & Eylenbosch, D. (2023). Variétés en blé dur 2023. Livre Blanc Céréales, Edition Septembre 2023: 113-122Meza.

Damien EYLENBOSCH Responsable de projets
Eylenbosch, D.
Scientific publications

Different ways to assess and sort the vitreousness of durum wheat kernels using NIR spectroscopy

Demoitié, C. , Vincke, D. , Werrie, P-Y. , Gofflot, S. , Godin, B. , Pissard, A. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Baeten, V. & Vermeulen, P. (2023). Different ways to assess and sort...

Lisa PLASMAN Responsable de projets
Plasman, L.
Scientific publications

Development of crop applications based on hyperspectral satellite imagery. - SPAGHYTI

Leclère,L. , Curnel, Y. , Vermeulen, P. , Stevens, F. , Scaut, B. , Malice, D. , Troiani, M. , Defourny, P. , Baeten, V. & Planchon, V. (2023). Development of crop applications...

Louise LECLERE Responsable de projets
Leclere, L.
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