Re-conversion to organic farming, between organic rules and agro-food chain referential: how to fit out the organic fattening referential?

  • Jamar, D. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stassart, P. , Stilmant, D. & Seutin, Y. (2006). Re-conversion to organic farming, between organic rules and agro-food chain referential: how to fit out the organic fattening referential? Proceedings in: Organic Farming and European Rural Development, 30-31/05/2006, 478-479.
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2006
Title Re-conversion to organic farming, between organic rules and agro-food chain referential: how to fit out the organic fattening referential?
Conference name Organic Farming and European Rural Development
Recnumber 332
Pages 478-479
Label 285
conference Date 30-31/05/2006
Authors Jamar, D., Decruyenaere, V., Stassart, P., Stilmant, D., Seutin, Y.
