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Selection of the most appropriate predictors to improve the robustness of dairy cows bodyweight prediction by using lactation stage, parity, milk, season, and milk mid-infrared spectra.
Scientific publications

Selection of the most appropriate predictors to improve the robustness of dairy cows bodyweight prediction by using lactation stage, parity, milk, season, and milk mid-infrared spectra.

Tedde, A. (2020). Selection of the most appropriate predictors to improve the robustness of dairy cows bodyweight prediction by using lactation stage, parity, milk, season, and milk...

Chemical composition change in cellulosic biomasses after their torrefaction
Scientific publications

Chemical composition change in cellulosic biomasses after their torrefaction

Godin, B. , Masy, T. , Hecq, O. , Agneessens, R. & Delcarte, J. (2020). Chemical composition change in cellulosic biomasses after their torrefaction. Poster in: 25th National Symposium...

L’urée à libération lente: une solution efficiente en azote?
Scientific publications

L’urée à libération lente: une solution efficiente en azote?

Lamérand, M. & Boulet, L. (2020). L’urée à libération lente: une solution efficiente en azote?

Renforcer la capacité des acteurs de terrain et de participer aux changements par la recherche-action
Scientific publications

Renforcer la capacité des acteurs de terrain et de participer aux changements par la recherche-action

Guillaume, M. (2020). Renforcer la capacité des acteurs de terrain et de participer aux changements par la recherche-action. publication CRAW, 79 pages.

Between-and within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation
Scientific publications

Between-and within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation

Krogh m.A, , Hostens, M. , Salavati, M. , Grelet, C. , Sorensen, M. . , Whates d.C, , Ferris, C. , Marchitelli, C. , Signorelli, F. , Napolitano, F. , Becker f, , Larsen, T. , Matthews...

CRA-W info n°63
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°63

Winter 2019-2020

Can UAV’s help to improve nitrogen recommendation?

Can UAV’s help to improve nitrogen recommendation? 

UAV images can be used to investigate  soil organic content! This is one  of the UAVSoil project objectives.

Controlling the potato virus Y: an absolute necessity for our crops

Controlling the potato virus Y: an absolute necessity for our crops

Of the forty or so viruses that can affect the potato, virus Y (PVY, Potato virus Y) is the most frequently observed in our potato productions.

CRA-W expertise promoted through the IAEA

CRA-W expertise promoted through the IAEA

Through various European projects, the CRA-W has forged links with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Agency is particularly focussed on helping to achieve development...