Que cherchez-vous ?

Participatory research to support the agroecological transition

Participatory research to support the agroecological transition

As part of the TRANSAE and DiverIMPACTS  projects, the CRA-W, Greenotec and Walloon farmers engaged in either organic farming (OF) or conservation agriculture (CA) are exploring pathways...

A compass for the future of cattle farms in Wallonia

A compass for the future of cattle farms in Wallonia

While cattle farming is demonised, and in competition with other production systems around the world, PROBOV has established scenarios for its future in Wallonia, a land of cattle...

The CRA-W's expertise in assessing biotic stresses in cereals

The CRA-W's expertise in assessing biotic stresses in cereals

The European PHENET project aims to provide innovative phenotyping services based on the joint revolutions in sensors and big data.

CRA-W info n°77
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°77

Summer 2023

FaST: a free digital app to help manage nutrients

FaST: a free digital app to help manage nutrients

The CRA-W is helping to improve the Walloon FaST app, a free digital tool to help farmers optimise fertilisation on a parcel of land.  

Free farrowing sows at a Walloon breeder's!

Free farrowing sows at a Walloon breeder's!  

Prototypes for farrowing pens that allow the animal to move freely have returned results and meet the objectives

Local and high-quality weather observations

Local and high-quality weather observations

This is the goal of the Agromet II project. The key? Combining the expertise of the CRA-W reference network with the number of connected stations belonging to farmers.

SPace for AGriculture with HYperspectral Teledetection & Innovation

SPace for AGriculture with HYperspectral Teledetection & Innovation

ClieNFarms – Transition to climate-neutral and resilient farms

ClieNFarms – Transition to climate-neutral and resilient farms

Demonstrate, co-develop, improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to climate neutral and resilient farms