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CRA-W info n°57
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°57

Summer 2018

A new research and development project begins:  MIX-ENABLE - sustainable organic mixed livestock farming

A new research and development project begins: MIX-ENABLE - sustainable organic mixed livestock farming

CRA-W Info n°56
CRA-W info

CRA-W Info n°56

Spring 2018

Potatosmart: for the smart control of potato late blight

Potatosmart: for the smart control of potato late blight

The aim of the potato smart project is to develop a SMART system, a decision support tool (DST), to help potato farmers control late blight according to the parasite pressure on each...

L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et si l'imagerie hyperspectrale pouvait automatiser cette opération fastidieuse ?
Scientific publications

L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et si l'imagerie hyperspectrale pouvait automatiser cette opération fastidieuse ?

Tosar, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2018). L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et...

Scientific publications


Meza, R. , Jacquemin, G. , Dumont, B. , Bacchetta, R. , Heens, B. , Mahieu, O. , Blanchard, R. , Monfort, B. , Chavalle, S. , De Proft, M. , Gofflot, S. , Van Remoortel, V. , Sinnaeve,...

Research on new methods of plant phenotyping at CRA-W
Scientific publications

Research on new methods of plant phenotyping at CRA-W

Vermeulen, P. , Vincke, D. , Baeten, V. , Jacquemin, G. , Rabier, F. & Goffart, J.-. (2018). Research on new methods of plant phenotyping at CRA-W. Lecture in: 12th EU-VCU Expert...

Everything you wanted to know about food authenticity
Scientific publications

Everything you wanted to know about food authenticity

Vermeulen, P. & Kone, I. (2018). Everything you wanted to know about food authenticity CRA-W INFO Spring 2018 N°56, 3.

Predators and parasitoids of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in its native range and invaded areas
Scientific publications

Predators and parasitoids of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in its native range and invaded areas

Ceryngier, P. , Nedved, O. , Grez, A.A. , Riddick, E.W. , Roy, H.E. , San Martin, G. , Steenberg, T. , Vesely, P. , Zaviezo, T. , Zuniga-Reinoso, A. & Haelewaters, D. (2018). Predators...