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Co-definition and evaluation of sustainable beef farming systems based on resources non edible by humans

CRA-W info n°53
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°53

Summer 2017

AGROMET : a web-based weather platform for agricultural decision support systems

AGROMET : a web-based weather platform for agricultural decision support systems

A web-based weather platform for real-time agro-meteorological data dissemination at high spatial (1km²) and temporal (hourly and daily) resolution

CRA-W info n°52
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°52

Spring 2017

Relationships between methane emissions from dairy cows and farm technico-economic results
Scientific publications

Relationships between methane emissions from dairy cows and farm technico-economic results

Delhez, P. , Wyzen, B. , Dalcq, A. , Colinet, F. . , Reding, E. , Vanlierde, A. , Dehareng, F. , Gengler, N. & Soyeurt, H. (2017). Relationships between methane emissions from...

Annual CIPAC/FAO/WHO Belgian Report on the Quality Control of Pesticides
Scientific publications

Annual CIPAC/FAO/WHO Belgian Report on the Quality Control of Pesticides

Pigeon, O. , Etienne-Thewissen, F. & Baes, M. (2017). Annual CIPAC/FAO/WHO Belgian Report on the Quality Control of Pesticides. Proceedings in: 14th Joint CIPAC/FAO/WHO Open Meeting,...

CIPAC method MT 195, wash resistance index of LNs
Scientific publications

CIPAC method MT 195, wash resistance index of LNs

Pigeon, O. , Müller, M. , Kozuki, Y. & Rodler, M. (2017). CIPAC method MT 195, wash resistance index of LNs In: CIPAC Handbook O, Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical...

Ideal future dairy farm : a walloon breeder's point of view
Scientific publications

Ideal future dairy farm : a walloon breeder's point of view

Dalcq, A.C. , Dogot, T. , Soyeurt, H. , Brostaux, Y. , Delhez, P. , Vanwindekens, F. , Froidmont, E. , Rondia, P. , Wyzen, B. , Masure, A. , Bauraind, C. & Beckers, Y. (2017)....

Réduire les émissions de méthane et les rejets d’azote et améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle du lait par l’alimentation des vaches
Scientific publications

Réduire les émissions de méthane et les rejets d’azote et améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle du lait par l’alimentation des vaches

Focant, M. , Froidmont, E. , Dang Van, Q.C. , Vanlierde, A. , Archambeau, Q. & Larondelle, Y. (2017). Réduire les émissions de méthane et les rejets d’azote et améliorer la qualité...