Que cherchez-vous ?

Les légumineuses, une question de bon sens.
Scientific publications

Les légumineuses, une question de bon sens.

Froidmont, E. (2016). Les légumineuses, une question de bon sens. Nouvelles de l'agriculture 10-11.

Identification of Proteins and Peptide Biomarkers for Detecting Banned Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) in Meat and Bone Meal by Mass Spectrometry
Scientific publications

Identification of Proteins and Peptide Biomarkers for Detecting Banned Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) in Meat and Bone Meal by Mass Spectrometry

Marbaix, H. , Budinger, D. , Dieu, M. , Fumière, O. , Gillard, N. , Delahaut, P. , Mauro, S. & Raes, M. (2016). Identification of Proteins and Peptide Biomarkers for Detecting...

Application of a standardisation procedure on an international network of MIR instruments for milk analysis
Scientific publications

Application of a standardisation procedure on an international network of MIR instruments for milk analysis

Grelet, C. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Dardenne, P. , Massart, X.. & Dehareng, F. (2016). Application of a standardisation procedure on an international network of MIR instruments...

Scientific publications

Un lait de haute valeur nutritionnelle peut aussi être "vert"

Froidmont, E. (2016). Un lait de haute valeur nutritionnelle peut aussi être "vert" CRA-W Info

Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of  their drivers during the fattening of Belgian Blue White bulls based on a LCA approach
Scientific publications

Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers during the fattening of Belgian Blue White bulls based on a LCA approach

Mathot, M. , Elias, E. , Reding, E. , Vanlierde, A. , Reuter, W. , Planchon, V. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Variation of greenhouse gas emissions and identification of their drivers...

The Feed safety Platform
Scientific publications

The Feed safety Platform

Vermeulen, P. , Boix, A. , Vincent, U. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Berben, G. , Fumière, O. , Von Holst, C. , De Jong, J. , Dardenne, P. & Baeten, V. (2016). The Feed safety Platform....

Proteomics analysis of the endogenous, constitutive, leaf SUMOylome
Scientific publications

Proteomics analysis of the endogenous, constitutive, leaf SUMOylome

Colignon, B. , Delaive, E. , Dieu, M. , Demazy, C.. , Muhovski, Y. , Wallon, C. , Raes, M. & Mauro, S. (2016). Proteomics analysis of the endogenous, constitutive, leaf SUMOylome....

Detection of melamine in soybean meal using near-infrared microscopy imaging with pure component spectra as the evaluation criteria
Scientific publications

Detection of melamine in soybean meal using near-infrared microscopy imaging with pure component spectra as the evaluation criteria

Yang, Z. , Han, L. , Wang, C. , Li, J. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Dardenne, P. & Baeten, V. (2016). Detection of melamine in soybean meal using near-infrared microscopy imaging...

Evaluation of pesticide coating efficiency on cereal seeds by combining NIR hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics
Scientific publications

Evaluation of pesticide coating efficiency on cereal seeds by combining NIR hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics

Vermeulen, P. , Flemal, P. , Pigeon, O. , De Vos, P. , Fernndez Pierna, J.A. , Dardenne, P. & Baeten, V. (2016). Evaluation of pesticide coating efficiency on cereal seeds by combining...