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Phytosanitary status of 8 fungi (+1 vector insect) affecting woody plants in Belgium

CRA-W’s experimental piggery serves industrial research

CRA-W’s experimental piggery serves industrial research

Whereas CRA-W’s experimental farm is known for its zootechnical approaches with animals, it is also involved in more specific cooperative links that contribute to industrial research....

Towards Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe?

Towards Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe?

Integrated pest management has gained a new European tool: the lC-IPM Era-net consortium, in which CRA-W represents Wallonia. The consortium comprises 21 countries from within and...

The spore sensor: a forest health barometer

The spore sensor: a forest health barometer

Many of the diseases affecting our forest species are caused by fungi that spread via wind-borne spores, sometimes over long distances.

The Pameseb network: automatic agricultural weather stations for integrated pest management in Wallonia

The Pameseb network: automatic agricultural weather stations for integrated pest management in Wallonia

With its 29 automatic agricultural weather stations, the Pameseb network records and distributes weather data that have been validated for agricultural warning systems. At a time when...

Shedding light on the future: fluorescent sensors

Shedding light on the future: fluorescent sensors

Fluorescence emission is a well-known physicochemical phenomenon that has been used in research for decades. New methods based on fluorescence emission have been developed by CRA-W....

Valine requirement of piglets fed low-protein diet

Valine requirement of piglets fed low-protein diet

Economic and environmental constraints are pushing down piglets’ dietary protein content and several amino acids (AA) tend to limit performance. Various synthetic AA are often used...

The sustainability of Wallonia’s agricultural sectors: a challenge within the scope of life cycle assessments ?
Brochures and folders

The sustainability of Wallonia’s agricultural sectors: a challenge within the scope of life cycle assessments ?

The aim is to make the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors sustainable by reconciling environmental and socioeconomic performance. CRA-W is involved in this by developing life...

CRAW info n° 45
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 45

Spring 2015