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Integrated and Sustainable Management of Popillia japonica in Belgium

Satellites, the tool of tomorrow for crop monitoring...

Satellites, the tool of tomorrow for crop monitoring...

In this context, the SPAGHYTI project aims to make the most of hyperspectral satellite images to monitor nitrogen status and (a)biotic stress at the level of winter wheat fields in...

Producing meat using organic farming in Wallonia

Producing meat using organic farming in Wallonia

Is dynamic rotational grazing suitable for finishing Bleu-Mixte bulls?

CRA-W info n°80
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°80

Spring 2024

Varietal selection in potatoes: a solution for coping with climate change

Varietal selection in potatoes: a solution for coping with climate change

Since 2005, CRA-W has relaunched its varietal selection programme with the aim of creating new Belgian varieties that meet the present and future needs of producers and environmental...

Air and soil: a pesticide monitoring network

Air and soil: a pesticide monitoring network

The SuRiPest project aims to set up a network to monitor the pesticide-related risks in air and soil.

Phytosanitary risk associated with the international conifer seed trade

Phytosanitary risk associated with the international conifer seed trade

This risk was assessed as part of the ALERTSEED project, through the development of a molecular analysis method for the detection of all fungi present in a batch of seeds, as well...

Co-cultivation to control weeds in organic field crops

Co-cultivation to control weeds in organic field crops

In a context of organic farming and no-ploughing field crops, the co-cultivation of a permanent legume cover in association with a cash crop appears to offer interesting possibilities.

Spot-spraying for weed control

Spot-spraying for weed control

Using precision agriculture, InnovEau aims to combat the risk of groundwater contamination by plant protection products (PPPs).