Que cherchez-vous ?

Red clover, a health benefit in milk!

Red clover, a health benefit in milk!

Increasing the milk equol content by feeding silage rich in red clover significantly improves milk quality.

Forest soil Phytophthora, a world to be explored

Forest soil Phytophthora, a world to be explored

For a long time considered to be fungi because of morphological similarities, Phytophthora nevertheless have a very different biology with an as yet relatively unknown diversity, particularly...

A new stress factor in honey bees

A new stress factor in honey bees

Within the framework of the Maya Plan, a study was conducted by CRA-W and CARI (Centre Apicole de Recherche et d’Information) at Walloon apiaries to investigate two potential factors...

Should entire male pigs be housed in mixed fattening stalls?

Should entire male pigs be housed in mixed fattening stalls?

Live surgical castration of piglets is routinely carried out on European farms. It is a means of preventing undesirable boar taint in pork meat. However, the practice is now being...

CRAW info n° 43
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 43

Autumn 2014

BELCAM - BELgian Collaborative Agriculture Monitoring at parcel level for sustainable cropping systems

BELCAM - BELgian Collaborative Agriculture Monitoring at parcel level for sustainable cropping systems

The BELCAM platform is dedicated to farmers and farming support organisations. It provides easy access to satellite information and offers free derived products to improve crop management...

Traceability and Authentication of the tomorrow’s products

Traceability and Authentication of the tomorrow’s products

In the framework of the ASSET 2014 conference on food integrity and traceability, CRA-W gave talks and presented posters about its expertise in vibrational spectroscopy for monitoring...

CRAW info n° 42
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 42

Spring 2014

Full speed ahead for Walloon potatoes

Full speed ahead for Walloon potatoes

CRA-W’s potato breeding programme forged ahead in 2013 with the start of a research project, an application to register a clone in the Belgian catalogue and the close involvement of...