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Des doryphores dans les champs de pommes de terre : lutter ou pas?
Scientific publications

Des doryphores dans les champs de pommes de terre : lutter ou pas?

Jansen, J.P. (2014). Des doryphores dans les champs de pommes de terre : lutter ou pas? Sillon Belge 9-10.

Les effets potentiels des doryphores sur le rendement en pomme de terre : synthèse de 4 années d'essai
Scientific publications

Les effets potentiels des doryphores sur le rendement en pomme de terre : synthèse de 4 années d'essai

Jansen, J.P. (2014). Les effets potentiels des doryphores sur le rendement en pomme de terre : synthèse de 4 années d'essai Fiwap Info (141), 47-49.

A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 5 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera in oilseed rape
Scientific publications

A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 5 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera in oilseed rape

Jansen, J.P. & San Martin, G. (2014). A large field trial to assess the short-term and long-term effects of 5 insecticides used to control the pollen beetle on parasitic hymenoptera...

A field study to assess the effects of insecticides used to control the Colorado beetle in potato on aphid antagonists
Scientific publications

A field study to assess the effects of insecticides used to control the Colorado beetle in potato on aphid antagonists

Jansen, J.P. & San Martin, G. (2014). A field study to assess the effects of insecticides used to control the Colorado beetle in potato on aphid antagonists. Proceedings in: IOBC-wprs...

Effects of a commercial formulation of a plant resistance elicitor on non-target organisms
Scientific publications

Effects of a commercial formulation of a plant resistance elicitor on non-target organisms

Jansen, J.P. , Buenotesta, R. & Schiffers, B. (2014). Effects of a commercial formulation of a plant resistance elicitor on non-target organisms. Proceedings in: IOBC-wprs Buletin,...

Selectivity list of plant protection products on beneficial arthropods in potato
Scientific publications

Selectivity list of plant protection products on beneficial arthropods in potato

Jansen, J.P. (2014). Selectivity list of plant protection products on beneficial arthropods in potato. IOBC-wprs Buletin, 103: 67-71.

Du colza sans méligèthes et sans insecticide, utopie ou réalité?
Scientific publications

Du colza sans méligèthes et sans insecticide, utopie ou réalité?

Jansen, J.P. (2014). Du colza sans méligèthes et sans insecticide, utopie ou réalité? CRA-W Info (42), 2.

Line scan hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy for the early detection of melamine and cyanuric acid in feed
Scientific publications

Line scan hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy for the early detection of melamine and cyanuric acid in feed

Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Vincke, D. , Dardenne, P. , Zengling, Y. , Lujia, H. & Baeten, V. (2014). Line scan hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy for the early detection of melamine...

Detection of wheat root and straw in soil by use of NIR hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and partial least square discriminant analysis
Scientific publications

Detection of wheat root and straw in soil by use of NIR hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and partial least square discriminant analysis

Eylenbosch, D. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Baeten, V. & Bodson, B. (2014). Detection of wheat root and straw in soil by use of NIR hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and partial...