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MERINOVA: extreme weather events as innovation factors

MERINOVA: extreme weather events as innovation factors

Climate change has become a tangible reality affecting all of the world’s population and ecosystems at different levels. These changes are also accompanied by increased occurrence...

Spotlight on potato late blight:

Spotlight on potato late blight:

Whereas the initial stages of an infection are determined by the quality of the immune response, successful tissue invasion depends on access to the host’s nutritional resources.

Strip-till, half-way between ploughing and no-till

Strip-till, half-way between ploughing and no-till

Tilling only where the crop will be sown looks like an attractive compromise for Wallonia’s farmers.

The transfer of micro propagation technology– a success story Between CRA-W and Nunhems (Bayer)

The transfer of micro propagation technology– a success story Between CRA-W and Nunhems (Bayer)

December 2013 - CRA-W and its Life Sciences department successfully developed and transferred a complete micro propagation technology to Nunhems, the vegetable seeds business of Bayer...

CRAW info n° 40
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 40

Autumn 2013

Another promising end-of-season for early summer fruits

Another promising end-of-season for early summer fruits

Strawberry and small fruit growing is increasingly becoming a diversification crop for Walloon farmers

Aiming for accuracy

Aiming for accuracy

GPS has been a feature of our farms for several years now and is used as an aid to machine movements.

Integrated pest management: when growers become strategists

Integrated pest management: when growers become strategists

Slugs, weeds, fungi, insects, bacteria, rodents,… : cultivated plants have to contend with lots of pests. The aim of integrated pest management is not to eradicate them but to keep...

Solving the mysteries of the orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana)

Solving the mysteries of the orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana)

Between mid-April and mid-June the adult orange wheat blossom midges – tiny little midges – emerge in the fields in one or more waves. Having been fertilized, the females fly off in...