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Use of additive extemporaneous vegetable oil combined with oligosaccharides to improve the quality of the treatments with plant protection products
Scientific publications

Use of additive extemporaneous vegetable oil combined with oligosaccharides to improve the quality of the treatments with plant protection products

Rousseau, G. , Ducat, N. , De Vos, P. , Coutanceau, P. & Pigeon, O. (2012). Use of additive extemporaneous vegetable oil combined with oligosaccharides to improve the quality of...

Determination of residues of asulam and pendimethalin herbicides in celery and celeriac by UHPLC-MS/MS using direct injection without cleanup
Scientific publications

Determination of residues of asulam and pendimethalin herbicides in celery and celeriac by UHPLC-MS/MS using direct injection without cleanup

Ducat, N. , Rousseau, G. , De Vos, P. & Pigeon, O. (2012). Determination of residues of asulam and pendimethalin herbicides in celery and celeriac by UHPLC-MS/MS using direct injection...

CIPAC LN washing method - current status
Scientific publications

CIPAC LN washing method - current status

Pigeon, O. , Müller, M. , Kozuki, Y. & Rodler, M. (2012). CIPAC LN washing method - current status. Proceedings in: FAO/WHO/CIPAC Open Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 11 June 2012,

MT195 Wash resistance index of LN, small scale collaborative trial
Scientific publications

MT195 Wash resistance index of LN, small scale collaborative trial

Pigeon, O. , Müller, M. , Kozuki, Y. & Rodler, M. (2012). MT195 Wash resistance index of LN, small scale collaborative trial. Proceedings in: CIPAC Technical Meeting, Dublin, Ireland,...

VEGEPHY (2010-2013): Formulation sur base d’huile bio-sourcée pour la protection phytosanitaire
Scientific publications

VEGEPHY (2010-2013): Formulation sur base d’huile bio-sourcée pour la protection phytosanitaire

Coutanceau, P. , Begue, Y. , Ponce De Léon, A. , Vast, S. , Deveaux, V. , Pigeon, O. , Rousseau, G. & Al, (2012). VEGEPHY (2010-2013): Formulation sur base d’huile bio-sourcée...

Mid-Infrared Predictions of Fatty Acids in Bovine Milk: Final Results of the RobustMilk Project
Scientific publications

Mid-Infrared Predictions of Fatty Acids in Bovine Milk: Final Results of the RobustMilk Project

Soyeurt, H. , Mcparland, S. , Berry, D. , Wall, E. , Coffey, M. , Gengler, N. , Dehareng, F. & Dardenne, P. (2012). Mid-Infrared Predictions of Fatty Acids in Bovine Milk: Final...

Mid-infrared prediction of lactoferrin content in bovine milk: potential indicator of mastitis
Scientific publications

Mid-infrared prediction of lactoferrin content in bovine milk: potential indicator of mastitis

Soyeurt, H. , Bastin, C. , Colinet, G. , Arnould, V.M.R. , Berry, D.. , Wall, E. , Dehareng, F. , Nguyen, H.N.. , Dardenne, P. , Schefers, J. , Vandenplas, J. , Weigel, K. , Coffey,...

Projet Lait Herbe
Scientific publications

Projet Lait Herbe

Grelet, C. , Cappe, C. , Piret, P.Y. , Lebouteiller, V. & Lehoux, C. (2012). Projet Lait Herbe. Poster in: Foire Agricole de Battice, Battice, 1-2/09/2012.

2. Variétés
Scientific publications

2. Variétés

Seutin, B. , Jacquemin, G. , Vancutsem, F. , Couvreur, L. , Sinnaeve, G. , Gofflot, S. , Van Remoortel, V. , Sindic, M. , De Proft, M. , Goffart, J.-. & Bodson, B. (2012). 2. Variétés...