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Draft CIPAC wash method for Long-Lasting Insecticidal Mosquito Nets, progress report
Scientific publications

Draft CIPAC wash method for Long-Lasting Insecticidal Mosquito Nets, progress report

Pigeon, O. & Müller, M. (2009). Draft CIPAC wash method for Long-Lasting Insecticidal Mosquito Nets, progress report. Proceedings in: 53rd CIPAC Technical Meeting, Hotel Decameron...

Standardization of Physical and Chemical Test Methods for the Characterization of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LN)
Scientific publications

Standardization of Physical and Chemical Test Methods for the Characterization of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LN)

Müller, M. & Pigeon, O. (2009). Standardization of Physical and Chemical Test Methods for the Characterization of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LN). Proceedings in: 30th ASTM...

Lutte contre les pucerons en Belgique en pomme de terre de consommation
Scientific publications

Lutte contre les pucerons en Belgique en pomme de terre de consommation

Jansen, J.P. (2009). Lutte contre les pucerons en Belgique en pomme de terre de consommation Planet Potato 16, 25-30.

Sensibilité variétale du froment d'hiver à la rouille brune et à la rouille jaune
Scientific publications

Sensibilité variétale du froment d'hiver à la rouille brune et à la rouille jaune

Escarnot, E. (2009). Sensibilité variétale du froment d'hiver à la rouille brune et à la rouille jaune. Livre blanc-Céréales, 6: 30-35.

Influence of the medium-solidifying agent, the nutrient and the genotype on the production of gametangia by Phytophthora ramorum in vitro
Scientific publications

Influence of the medium-solidifying agent, the nutrient and the genotype on the production of gametangia by Phytophthora ramorum in vitro

Boutet, X. , Laurent, F. & Chandelier, A. (2009). Influence of the medium-solidifying agent, the nutrient and the genotype on the production of gametangia by Phytophthora ramorum...

Approche exploratoire d'une relation entre équilibre de la ration et prévalence des mammites dans des troupeaux laitiers
Scientific publications

Approche exploratoire d'une relation entre équilibre de la ration et prévalence des mammites dans des troupeaux laitiers

Froidmont, E. , Delfosse, C. , Planchon, V. , Bartiaux-Thill, N. , Hanzen, C. , Humblet, M.F. , Theron, L. , Beduin, J. , Bertozzi, C. , Piraux, E. & Jadoul, T. (2009). Approche...

Potential estimation of major mineral contents in cow milk using mid-infrared spectrometry
Scientific publications

Potential estimation of major mineral contents in cow milk using mid-infrared spectrometry

Bertozzi, C. , Bruwier, D. , Dardenne, P. , Gengler, N. , Romnee, J.M. , Soyeurt, H. & Veselko, D. (2009). Potential estimation of major mineral contents in cow milk using mid-infrared...

Detection of presence of species-specific processed animal proteins in animal feed
Scientific publications

Detection of presence of species-specific processed animal proteins in animal feed

Fernandez Pierna, J.A. (2009). Detection of presence of species-specific processed animal proteins in animal feed. Lecture in: SAFEEDPAP,

Scientific publications

Authentification of Trappist beers : Assessement of the discrimination of "Rochefort 8°" beer

Fernandez Pierna, J.A. (2009). Authentification of Trappist beers : Assessement of the discrimination of "Rochefort 8°" beer. Lecture in: Final TRACE conference "How to trace the origin...