Que cherchez-vous ?

Détecter des valeurs aberrantes dans les bases de données à caractère spatial, c'est possible !
Scientific publications

Détecter des valeurs aberrantes dans les bases de données à caractère spatial, c'est possible !

Planchon, V. (2008). Détecter des valeurs aberrantes dans les bases de données à caractère spatial, c'est possible ! CRA-W Info 17, (Hiver 08), p. 3.

La construction des jardins et fontaines de Versailles, terrain d'exp?mentation pour les ing?eurs du XVIIe si?e.
Scientific publications

La construction des jardins et fontaines de Versailles, terrain d'exp?mentation pour les ing?eurs du XVIIe si?e.

Planchon, V. (2008). La construction des jardins et fontaines de Versailles, terrain d'exp?mentation pour les ing?eurs du XVIIe si?e. J. ing. 109: 5-11.

A statistical method to predict matrix effect for pesticides residues analysis.
Scientific publications

A statistical method to predict matrix effect for pesticides residues analysis.

Planchon, V. , Ducat, N. , De Vos, P. , Rousseau, G. & Pigeon, O. (2008). A statistical method to predict matrix effect for pesticides residues analysis. Poster in: Europeau Pesticide...

Repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows. (Abstract)
Scientific publications

Repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows. (Abstract)

Wavreille, J. , Planchon, V. , Breteau, G. , Remience, V. , Sulon, J. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2008). Repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows. (Abstract). Proceedings...

Measurement of repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows.
Scientific publications

Measurement of repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows.

Wavreille, J. , Planchon, V. , Breteau, G. , Remience, V. , Sulon, J. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2008). Measurement of repeatability of salivary cortisol in groups of pregnant sows....

Host specialization in habitat specialists and generalists
Scientific publications

Host specialization in habitat specialists and generalists

Stilmant, D. , Van Bellinghen, C. , Hance, T. & Boivin, G. (2008). Host specialization in habitat specialists and generalists. Oecologia,

Co-construction, with breeders, consumers and naturalists, of bullock differentiate production to valorise NATURA 2000 grasslands
Scientific publications

Co-construction, with breeders, consumers and naturalists, of bullock differentiate production to valorise NATURA 2000 grasslands

Stilmant, D. , Stassart, P. , Roussel, L. , Hanus, H. , Jamar, D. & Decruyenaere, V. (2008). Co-construction, with breeders, consumers and naturalists, of bullock differentiate...

Dans un couvert de trèfle blanc, comment se comporte la céréale?
Scientific publications

Dans un couvert de trèfle blanc, comment se comporte la céréale?

Stilmant, D. & Herman, J. (2008). Dans un couvert de trèfle blanc, comment se comporte la céréale? Le Sillon belge, 3320: 6-7.

Comparison of dairy herd performances under leader-follower and rotational grazing systems
Scientific publications

Comparison of dairy herd performances under leader-follower and rotational grazing systems

Stilmant, D. , Decruyenaere, V. , Felix, A. , Bartiaux-Thill, N. & Belge, C. (2008). Comparison of dairy herd performances under leader-follower and rotational grazing systems....