Que cherchez-vous ?

Des plantes pour assurer notre avenir énergétique ?
Scientific publications

Des plantes pour assurer notre avenir énergétique ?

Vannerom, A. (2006). Des plantes pour assurer notre avenir énergétique ?

Les cultures intermédiaires: piège à nitrate et production de fourrage.
Scientific publications

Les cultures intermédiaires: piège à nitrate et production de fourrage.

De Toffoli, M. , Imbrecht, O. & Decamps, C. (2006). Les cultures intermédiaires: piège à nitrate et production de fourrage. Gembloux,

Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms
Scientific publications

Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms

Geert, R. .. (2006). Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms. LCA, 22-25.

Methods for size classification of wood chips
Scientific publications

Methods for size classification of wood chips

Hartmann, H. , Bohm, T. , Daugbjerg Jensen, P. , Temmerman, M. , Rabier, F. & Golser, M. (2006). Methods for size classification of wood chips. Biomass and Bioenergy, 30: 944.

Moisture content determination in solid biofuels by dielectric and NIR reflection methods
Scientific publications

Moisture content determination in solid biofuels by dielectric and NIR reflection methods

Daugbjerg Jensen, P. , Hartmann, H. , Bohm, T. , Temmerman, M. , Rabier, F. & Morsing, M. (2006). Moisture content determination in solid biofuels by dielectric and NIR reflection...

Particle density determination of pellets and briquettes
Scientific publications

Particle density determination of pellets and briquettes

Rabier, F. , Temmerman, M. , Bohm, T. , Hartmann, H. , Daugbjerg Jensen, P. , Rathbauer, J. , Carrasco, J. & Fernandez, M. (2006). Particle density determination of pellets and...

Comparative study of durability test methods for pellets and briquettes
Scientific publications

Comparative study of durability test methods for pellets and briquettes

Temmerman, M. , Rabier, F. , Daugbjerg Jensen, P. , Hartmann, H. & Bohm, T. (2006). Comparative study of durability test methods for pellets and briquettes. Biomass and Bioenergy,...

CRAW info n° 5
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 5

Winter 2005

CRAW info n° 8
CRA-W info

CRAW info n° 8

Autumn 2005