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L'urémie (lait/plasma) peut révéler un apport excessif de protéines limitant la fertiilté des vaches laitières
Scientific publications

L'urémie (lait/plasma) peut révéler un apport excessif de protéines limitant la fertiilté des vaches laitières

Froidmont, E. , Théwis, A. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2002). L'urémie (lait/plasma) peut révéler un apport excessif de protéines limitant la fertiilté des vaches laitières. Proceedings...

Milk urea concentration as a tool to evaluate protein/energy balance of dairy cows feeding
Scientific publications

Milk urea concentration as a tool to evaluate protein/energy balance of dairy cows feeding

Froidmont, E. , Bartiaux-Thill, N. , Frand, X. , Decruyenaere, V. , Van Reusel, A. & Fabry, J. (2002). Milk urea concentration as a tool to evaluate protein/energy balance of dairy...

Modelling of milk urea concentration under grazing: impact of some dietary, environmental and animal factors
Scientific publications

Modelling of milk urea concentration under grazing: impact of some dietary, environmental and animal factors

Decruyenaere, V. , Froidmont, E. , Troquet, M. , Fabry, J. , Bartiaux-Thill, N. & Stilmant, D. (2002). Modelling of milk urea concentration under grazing: impact of some dietary,...

Rumen bypass of free methionine and lysine for double-muscled Belgian Blue bull
Scientific publications

Rumen bypass of free methionine and lysine for double-muscled Belgian Blue bull

Froidmont, E. , Rondia, P. , Beckers, Y. & Théwis, A. (2002). Rumen bypass of free methionine and lysine for double-muscled Belgian Blue bull. Janssens, G. Proceedings in: Joint...

Rumen escape of methionine and lysine administered intraruminally to growing double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls
Scientific publications

Rumen escape of methionine and lysine administered intraruminally to growing double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls

Froidmont, E. , Rondia, P. , Théwis, A. & Beckers, Y. (2002). Rumen escape of methionine and lysine administered intraruminally to growing double-muscled Belgian Blue bulls. Reprod....

Management of nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat and potato crops using the chlorophill meter for crop nitrogen status assessment.
Scientific publications

Management of nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat and potato crops using the chlorophill meter for crop nitrogen status assessment.

Denuit, J. , Olivier, M. , Goffaux, M. , Herman, J. , Goffart, J. , Destain, J. & Frankinet, M. (2002). Management of nitrogen fertilization of winter wheat and potato crops using...

Soil mineral nitrogen content in spring as part of global N-advice for the potato crop.
Scientific publications

Soil mineral nitrogen content in spring as part of global N-advice for the potato crop.

Goffart, J. & Colmart, R. (2002). Soil mineral nitrogen content in spring as part of global N-advice for the potato crop. Proceedings in: 15th Triennal Conference of the EAPR,...

Chlorophyll meter used as decision tool to manage nitrogen fertilisation splitting in potato crop
Scientific publications

Chlorophyll meter used as decision tool to manage nitrogen fertilisation splitting in potato crop

Olivier, M. & Goffart, J. (2002). Chlorophyll meter used as decision tool to manage nitrogen fertilisation splitting in potato crop. Proceedings in: 15th Triennal Conference of...

Pomme de terre de consommation. Nouvelle méthode de gestion de la fumure azotée
Scientific publications

Pomme de terre de consommation. Nouvelle méthode de gestion de la fumure azotée

Olivier, M. & Goffart, J. (2002). Pomme de terre de consommation. Nouvelle méthode de gestion de la fumure azotée Sillon belge du 15 mars 2002 36-37.