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Satellites to assess the nitrogen status of potatoes

Satellites to assess the nitrogen status of potatoes

Sentinel-2 satellite and temperature data allow a good assessment of the nitrogen status of the potato crop at the plot scale.

CRA-W info n°70
CRA-W info

CRA-W info n°70

Autumn 2021

PROTECOW - What lessons after 4 years of research?

PROTECOW - What lessons after 4 years of research?

For 4 years, the five partners of the INTERREG PROTECOW project have pooled their experience to achieve the objective of increasing nitrogen efficiency in dairy nutrition and profitability...

Sensors serving sugar beet health in breeding trials

Sensors serving sugar beet health in breeding trials

For the Beetphen project, various sensors were tested by CRA-W and VITO, both on the ground and in the air, on the trials inoculated and set up by SES-VANDERHAVE, in order to assess...

Will we see weeding robots in the fields?

Will we see weeding robots in the fields?

The CRA-W evaluates the possibilities of robotisation and automation of mechanical weed control. Are these technologies mature and suitable for vegetable farming in Wallonia?

Birthday of Walloon Agricultural Research Centre

Birthday of Walloon Agricultural Research Centre

150 years at the service of agriculture & society

Identifying and responding to the needs of the organic farming sector

Identifying and responding to the needs of the organic farming sector

An internal tool has been set up as part of the Strategic Plan for the Development of Organic Agriculture (PSDAB) in Wallonia by 2020: FREDO.

Who does agricultural and environmental data belong to?

Who does agricultural and environmental data belong to?

Cultivation, breeding, environment: 6 Walloon stakeholders have joined forces to define a framework for data protection and enhancement.

Feedback of a partner of the CRA-W

Feedback of a partner of the CRA-W

Chemometric Brain and CRA-W, an essential alliance to apply chemometrics in food quality control