Tools for science communication and communication between scientists in the TRACE integrated project

  • Vermeulen, P. , Lofthouse, J. , Brereton, P. , Smith, J. , Baeten, V. , Kehagia, O. & Roussou, A. (2007). Tools for science communication and communication between scientists in the TRACE integrated project. Proceedings in: TRACE 3rd annual meeting: Perspectives from science, supply chain and the consumers, Limenas Hersonissou - Crete - Greece, 26-27/04/2007,
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2007
Title Tools for science communication and communication between scientists in the TRACE integrated project
Conference name TRACE 3rd annual meeting: Perspectives from science, supply chain and the consumers
Conference location Limenas Hersonissou - Crete - Greece
Recnumber 546
Label U15-1036
conference Date 26-27/04/2007
Type of article scientifique, recherche
Endnote keywords Pr-TRACE Th-Qualité, traçabilité et sécurité alimentaire Di-Informatique
Endnote Keywords internet|computer systems|information systems|
Author address Vermeulen Philippe, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Caption U15-1036-vermeulen-2007.pdf
Authors Vermeulen, P., Lofthouse, J., Brereton, P., Smith, J., Baeten, V., Kehagia, O., Roussou, A.


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