Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL

Vincent BAETEN

  • +32 81 87 52 01
  • +32 472 96 38 76

Building Maurice Henseval

Chée de Namur, 24 5030 Gembloux Belgique Tel : +32 81 87 40 09 Fax : +32 81 87 40 19
Scientific publications

Macroscopic near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (WP5-NIRS)

Murray, I. , Garrido Varo, A. , Perez Marin, D. , Guerrero, J. , Baeten, V. , Dardenne, P. , Termes, S. , Zegers, J. & Frankhuizen, R. (2005). Macroscopic near-infrared reflectance...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

The near infrared microscopic (NIRM) method: combination of the advantages of optical microscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy (WP5-NIRM)

Baeten, V. , Von Holst, C. , Fissiaux, I. , Michotte Renier, A. , Murray, I. & Dardenne, P. (2005). The near infrared microscopic (NIRM) method: combination of the advantages of...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Development of the STRATFEED Internet-Oriented computer system (WP6)

Vermeulen, P. , Oger, R. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Monjoie, A. , Martinez, M. , Baeten, V. & Dardenne, P. (2005). Development of the STRATFEED Internet-Oriented computer system (WP6)...

Philippe VERMEULEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Vermeulen, P.
Scientific publications

The validation of the microscopic method selected in the STRATFEED project for detecting processed animal proteins (WP7)

Von Holst, C. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Baeten, V. , Strathmann, S. & Boix, A. (2005). The validation of the microscopic method selected in the STRATFEED project for detecting processed...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Comparison and complementarity of the methods (Conclusions)

Baeten, V. , Vermeulen, P. , Dardenne, P. , Garrido Varo, A. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Brambilla, G. , Murray, I. , Von Holst, C. , Bosch, J. , Vancutsem, J. , Zegers, J. , Portetelle,...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases

Baeten, V. , Vermeulen, P. , Berben, G. & Dardenne, P. (2005). Food and feed safety in the context of prion diseases. Colloques. Gembloux - Belgique, Les presses agronomiques de...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Application of near-infrared imaging for monitoring agricultural food and feed products

Baeten, V. & Dardenne, P. (2005). Application of near-infrared imaging for monitoring agricultural food and feed products In: Spectrochemical analysis using infrared multichannel...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Imagerie infrarouge: analyse de l'alimentation animale

Baeten, V. , Michotte Renier, A. , Dardenne, P. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2005). Imagerie infrarouge: analyse de l'alimentation animale. Tech. Ing. 3: (RE 34), 1-8.

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
Scientific publications

Discriminating animal fats and their origins : assessing the potentials of Fourrier transform infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction.

Bellorini, S. , Strathmann, S. , Baeten, V. , Fumière, O. , Berben, G. , Tirendi, S. & Von Holst, C. (2005). Discriminating animal fats and their origins : assessing the potentials...

Vincent BAETEN Scientific Director - Invited Assist. Prof. at UcL
Baeten, V.
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