Viviane PLANCHON Directrice scientifique


  • +32 81 87 41 60
  • +32 498 80 56 17

Building Hostellerie

Rue de Liroux, 9 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 01 Fax : +32 81 87 40 11
Scientific publications

Antibacterial activity of fosetyl-Al, ethyl-phosphite and phosphite against Pseudomonas syringae on plant surfaces and in vitro.

Bultreys, A. , Gheysen, I. , Rousseau, G. , Pitchugina, E. , Planchon, V. & Magein, H. (2018). Antibacterial activity of fosetyl-Al, ethyl-phosphite and phosphite against Pseudomonas...

Alain BULTREYS Directrice scientifique
Bultreys, A.

uavsoil - UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring

The UAVsoil project (2017-2019) took place in a context of optimisation of agricultural management at field level through the use of images from sensors embedded on UAV to characterise...

Dimitri GOFFART Directrice scientifique
Goffart, D.

AGROMET : a web-based weather platform for agricultural decision support systems

A web-based weather platform for real-time agro-meteorological data dissemination at high spatial (1km²) and temporal (hourly and daily) resolution

Damien ROSILLON Directrice scientifique
Rosillon, D.
Scientific publications

Collaborative study on the effect of grinding on the detection of bones from processed animal proteins in feed by light microscopy

Veys, P. , Planchon, V. , Colbert, R. , Cruz, C. , Frick, G. , Ioannou, I. , Marchis, D. , Nordkvist, E. , Paradies Severin, I. , Pohto, A. , Weiss, R. , Baeten, V. & Berben, G....

Pascal VEYS Directrice scientifique
Veys, P.
Scientific publications

Grassland in Wallonia: expected location based on key ecosystem services

Ninane, M. , Hautier, L. , Planchon, V. , Burny, P. , Campion, M. , Goffart, J.-. & Stilmant, D. (2017). Grassland in Wallonia: expected location based on key ecosystem services....

 Directrice scientifique
Scientific publications

Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic biomass types

Loriers, A. , Planchon, V. , Godin, B. , Delcarte, J. , Stilmant, D. & Van Stappen, F. (2017). Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic...

Astrid LORIERS Directrice scientifique
Loriers, A.
Scientific publications

Plant phenotyping activities at the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre

Vincke, D. , Durenne, B. , Mingeot, D. , Escarnot, E. , Jacquemin, G. , Ben Abdallah, F. , Curnel, Y. , Mauro, S. , Geerts, P. , Lateur, M.. , Planchon, V. , Baeten, V. , Vermeulen,...

Damien VINCKE Directrice scientifique
Vincke, D.
Scientific publications

Meteorological risks are drivers of environmental innovation in agro-ecosystem management

Gobin, A. , Van De Vijver, H. , Vanwindekens, F. , De Frutos Cachorro, J. , Verspecht, A. , Planchon, V. & Buyse, J. (2017). Meteorological risks are drivers of environmental innovation...

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Directrice scientifique
Vanwindekens, F.
Scientific publications

L'impact du changement climatique sur les fermes wallonnes et développement de leurs capacités d'adaptation

Planchon, V. & Vanwindekens, F. (2017). L'impact du changement climatique sur les fermes wallonnes et développement de leurs capacités d'adaptation Dossier spécial "Agriculture...

Frédéric VANWINDEKENS Directrice scientifique
Vanwindekens, F.
229 rows