This is a Cooperation Project between China and Belgium in order to extend their collaboration for the development of new methodologies for the detection of animal proteins in feed. This will be reach by increasing the existing sample bank of both institutes to include samples from different countries and conditions (chemical composition, process etc.), the development of the classical microscopy (CM) method for detecting different animal protein materials in feedingstuffs in China, the development of the technological know-how of the near-infrared reflectance (NIR), NIR microscopy and NIR Imaging Spectroscopy as discrimination and quantification method, including the establishment of representing spectral libraries, transfer of spectra and calibration models among different NIR spectrometers.
This projects aims at exchanging know-how and developing new technologies and methodologies for the detection and quantification of accidental or illegal addition of animal protein materials in feedingstuffs.
Expected results
Improvement of the existing sample bank including samples from different countries and conditions (chemical composition, process etc.)
Development of the classical microscopy (CM) method for detecting different animal protein materials in feedingstuffs in China
Development of the technological know-how of the near-infrared reflectance (NIR), NIR microscopy and NIR Imaging Spectroscopy as discrimination and quantification method, including the establishment of representing spectral libraries, transfer of spectra and calibration models among different NIR spectrometers.
Results obtained
An effective network of communication and exchange of information between CAU and CRA-W expertise has been established as well as a strong link between Chinese and Belgian (or European) organizations for long-term collaborations. This has been obtained thanks to the short-term stages organized during the project. In that context, two stays of 7 days in the China Agricultural University (CAU) by two members of the CRA-W took place in 2011 (8-13/08 and 10-16/08 2011 respectively) and two in 2012 (1-7/09 and 17-21/09 2012 respectively). These stays allowed organizing the different works performed in the context of this agreement aiming to improve the knowledge and the development of new technologies for the detection of animal proteins in feed.
Moreover, this fruitful collaboration stimulated by the WBI/MOST project drove to, in September 2012, to the common organization between CAU and CRA-W of the 4th International Feed Safety conference organized in the context of the QSAFFE project. Hereafter the article published at the CRA-W news number 37 in December 2012 (
Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques (CRA-W) – Dept. Valorisation des Productions – Dr. Pierre Dardenne
China Agricultural University (CAU) – College of Engineering – Prof. Han Lujia
- WBI-MOST-China