31 May 2024

When offer meets demand in Organic Agriculture

Fredo is a tool designed to help research meet the needs of the organic farming sector.

As for the context ... CRA-W has been active in organic farming research for over 30 years now. Since 2014, it has taken part in two Walloon Plans for the Development of Organic Agriculture (OA) and Production (OP) (PSDAB2020 and PlanBio2030). In order to conduct innovative research rooted in the needs of the Walloon organic sector, CRA-W worked to (1) identify the demands/questions of the organic sector in terms of agronomic Research & Development; (2) take stock of ‘research offers’ from Wallonia and regions with a similar pedoclimatic context.


What exactly is Fredo?

To compile, classify and structure these requests and publications, CRA-W has developed a referencing tool called Fredo (Fichier Récapitulatif de la Demande et de l’Offre in French). It is aimed at anyone interested in organic farming. Its main advantage is that it is capable of linking the demands/questions in the sector with the research results that can respond to them.

Today, Fredo boasts over 5,600 publications: scientific publications, journal articles, podcasts, webinars...700 are specific to Wallonia and 400 concern research at CRA-W. 350 requests/questions addressed to research are also listed. Questions may be answered directly in the publications filed, or through the written intervention of a competent researcher.

Why use Fredo?

The tool lets you:

  • Encode any Request/Question addressed to research and receive a follow-up (in the form of a response by a scientific expert and/or a list of publications dealing with your question);
  • Keep abreast of the demands/issues/needs of the OA/OP sector in Wallonia;

·         Consult a wide range of bibliographical resources on OA/OP in Wallonia and neighbouring countries.

Your requests/questions consolidate the image that Walloon research has of the needs in organic agriculture research. For the latest call for ‘OA research’ projects, Fredo was asked by SPW to identify the sector’s priorities.

How does it work?

Do you want to find out more about Fredo? Please visit the following address:



Contact: celluleagribio@cra.wallonie.be

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