06 December 2021

Who does agricultural and environmental data belong to?

Agriculture, environment: 6 Walloon stakeholders have joined forces to define a framework for the protection and exploitation of data

New legislation (GDPR, PSI, OPEN DATA, ...) applied to Big Data, decision support tools, online platforms, digital farming tools (Smartfarming), ... how can this be navigated?  How do we keep up with it? Are personal data allowed to be used for research?


The OpEnAgro 4.1 project can help.


With the introduction of recommendations arising from the OpEnAgro 4.1 project, we can assure farmers and research partners that their data are used:

  • according to the latest European, Belgian and Walloon regulations in force;
  • according to the conditions of use required by crop farmers, livestock farmers or other "data creators".

The formalisation of user agreements and data management plans, which are established systematically for collaborative research projects, is the first good practice proposed. It helps to develop better trust and transparency in the sharing of data that may be related to strategically or commercially important issues.

On the same subject

#Big data #Smart farming