A case study of extrapolation in NIR modelling - A chemometric challenge at Chimiométrie 2009

  • Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Duval, H. , Valderrama, P. , Rutledge, D. , Baeten, V. & Dardenne, P. (2011). A case study of extrapolation in NIR modelling - A chemometric challenge at Chimiométrie 2009. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 106: (2), 205-209.
Type Journal Article
Year 2011
Title A case study of extrapolation in NIR modelling - A chemometric challenge at Chimiométrie 2009
Journal Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Label U15-1516
Edition Journal Article
Recnumber 673
Volume 106
Issue 2
Pages 205-209
Date 15 April 2011
Endnote Keywords NIR|Challenge|Variable selection|Rapesed|
Author address Fernandez Pierna Juan Antonio, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux, fernandez@cra.wallonie.be
Caption U15-1516-fernandez-2010.pdf
Lien http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemolab.2010.04.001
Authors Fernández Pierna, J.A., Duval, H., Valderrama, P., Rutledge, D., Baeten, V., Dardenne, P.


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