Detection of ergot bodies in cereals by NIRS and hyperspectral NIR imaging

  • Vermeulen, P. , Dardenne, P. , Baeten, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2009). Detection of ergot bodies in cereals by NIRS and hyperspectral NIR imaging. Poster in: 14th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS): Breaking the dawn, Bangkok - Thailand, 7-13 November 2009.
Type Poster
Year 2009
Title Detection of ergot bodies in cereals by NIRS and hyperspectral NIR imaging
Event name 14th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS): Breaking the dawn
Event location Bangkok - Thailand
Label U15-1496
Recnumber 618
Event date 7-13 November 2009
Endnote Keywords ergot|kernel analysis|hyperspectral NIR imaging|feedsafety|
Abstract [Introduction] Contamination of cereals with ergot, formed by the fungi Claviceps purpurea is well known. For the farmer, the damage caused by ergot is a yield reduction: the ergot replaces the kernels in the grain ears. For the feed/food sector, the presence of ergot in feedingstuffs and agro-food products involves high toxicity risk for animal and human in relation to the alkaloid composition and content in the ergot. The neurotoxic signs comprise feed/food refusal, dizziness but also convulsions. A survey on the presence of undesirable botanic substances in feed, carried out in 2006 inside official control labs from all member states of the European Union, showed a resurgence of the ergot presence in cereals samples. To reduce the risk of poisoning, the European directive 2002/32/EC on undesirable substances in animal feed fixed a limit in the EU of 0.1% for ergot in all feedingstuffs containing unground cereals. The existing microscopy method provides an elegant early warning tool for ergot contamination but is time-consuming. The current work, performed partially in the framework of the CONffIDENCE project ( ), aims to assess by NIRS and hyperspectral NIR imaging the presence of ergot bodies in cereals. [Materials and Methods] For this experiment, a total of 85 ergot bodies issue from different sources (Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark) and 100 wheat and barley kernels issue from several varieties and Belgian locations have been collected and analyzed with 2 NIR instruments. The Bruker MPA is a NIR spectrometer active in the 1100-2400 nm range and allows to collect a mean spectrum of a kernels bulk in less than 1 min. The MatrixNIRTM (Malvern instruments Ltd) is a hyperspectral NIR imaging system active in the 900-1700 nm range and allows to collect the NIR spectra of 10 kernels in 5 minutes. A total of around 3000 spectra from each kernel is obtained. The data treatment was carried out with the PLS toolbox under Matlab 7.5.0 (R2007b). PCA was performed on preprocessed spectra with SNV and 1st Derivative. [Results and Discussion]This study showed the potential of NIRS and hyperspectral NIR imaging to discriminate the ergot bodies from barley and wheat kernels. Additional developments will be undertaken for the quantification of ergot bodies in the samples. Further research will be also carried out in order to develop and validate a method allowing the on-line detection of ergot bodies in cereals.
Caption U15-1496-vermeulen-2009.pdf
Authors Vermeulen, P., Dardenne, P., Baeten, V., Fernández Pierna, J.A.


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