Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near-infrared spectrometry and grown in mixture with various legumes

  • Fagnant, L. , Duchène, O. , Bindelle, J. , Beckers, Y. , Decruyenaere, V. & Dumont, B. (2024). Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near-infrared spectrometry and grown in mixture with various legumes. Grass and Forage Science, 1-17.
Type Journal Article
Year 2024
Title Forage potential of Thinopyrum intermedium through near-infrared spectrometry and grown in mixture with various legumes
Journal Grass and Forage Science
Pages 1-17
Isbn DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12684
Authors Fagnant, L., Duchène, O., Bindelle, J., Beckers, Y., Decruyenaere, V., Dumont, B.
