Innovative silage additives to reduce proteolysis in the silo

  • Herremans, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Beckers, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2017). Innovative silage additives to reduce proteolysis in the silo. Poster in: "19th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation", Alghero, Italie, 10/05/17.
Type Poster
Year 2017
Title Innovative silage additives to reduce proteolysis in the silo
Event name "19th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation"
Event location Alghero, Italie
Event date 10/05/17
Authors Herremans, S., Decruyenaere, V., Beckers, Y., Froidmont, E.


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