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Short communication: Development of an equation for estimating methane emissions of dairy cows from milk Fourier transform mid-infrared spectra by using reference data obtained exclusively from respiration chambers

Short communication: Development of an equation for estimating methane emissions of dairy cows from milk Fourier transform mid-infrared spectra by using reference data obtained exclusively from respiration chambers

Vanlierde, A. , Soyeurt, H. , Gengler, N. , Colinet, F. . , Froidmont, E. , Kreuzer, M. , Grandl, F. , Bell, M. , Lund, P. , Olijhoek, D. . , Eugene, M. , Martin, C. , Khula, B. &...

L'étude prospective comme démarche pour construire les futurs des filières bovines lait et viande en Wallonie à l'horizon 2040 - Contribution méthodologique au projet PROBOV

L'étude prospective comme démarche pour construire les futurs des filières bovines lait et viande en Wallonie à l'horizon 2040 - Contribution méthodologique au projet PROBOV

Rondia, P. (2018). L'étude prospective comme démarche pour construire les futurs des filières bovines lait et viande en Wallonie à l'horizon 2040 - Contribution méthodologique au projet...

Midinfrared based biomarkers in milk as a non-invasive tool for early prediction of lameness caused by metabolic disorders

Midinfrared based biomarkers in milk as a non-invasive tool for early prediction of lameness caused by metabolic disorders

Mineur, A. , Köck, A. , Grelet, C. , Egger-Danner, C. , Sölkner, J. & Gengler, N. (2018). Midinfrared based biomarkers in milk as a non-invasive tool for early prediction of lameness...

Near infrared hyperspectral imaging for spices adulteration : a feasibility study

Near infrared hyperspectral imaging for spices adulteration : a feasibility study

Damiani, T. , Dall Asta, C. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Fauhl-Hassek, C. , Arnould, Q. , Kayoka, N. , Plasman, L. & Baeten, V. (2018). Near infrared hyperspectral imaging for spices...


"Influence of chestnut tannins on in vitro crude protein rumen degradability kinetics of red clover silage"

Herremans, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Beckers, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2018). "Influence of chestnut tannins on in vitro crude protein rumen degradability kinetics of red clover silage"....

La mesure de l'Indice de Chute de Hagberg en 1 min par fluorescence

La mesure de l'Indice de Chute de Hagberg en 1 min par fluorescence

Allouche, F. , Spiteri, M. , Leccia, F. , Oddos, S. & Birlouez, I. (2018). La mesure de l'Indice de Chute de Hagberg en 1 min par fluorescence. Proceedings in: Phloème 2018, Paris,...

Rainfastness of lime sulphur and other inorganic fungicides used for scab control in apple and pear production.  , 23-28

Rainfastness of lime sulphur and other inorganic fungicides used for scab control in apple and pear production. , 23-28

Jamar, L. , Song, J. , Fauche, F. , Choi, J. & Lateur, M. (2018). Rainfastness of lime sulphur and other inorganic fungicides used for scab control in apple and pear production....

Aptitude des orges brassicoles wallonnes au maltage et au brassage pour leur valorisation en circuit court

Aptitude des orges brassicoles wallonnes au maltage et au brassage pour leur valorisation en circuit court

De Smedt, C. (2018). Aptitude des orges brassicoles wallonnes au maltage et au brassage pour leur valorisation en circuit court. Anderlecht,

Analytical methods used for the authentication of food of animal origin

Analytical methods used for the authentication of food of animal origin

Abbas, O. , Zadravec, M. , Baeten, V. , Mikus, T. , Lesic, T. , Vulic, A. , Prpic, J. , Jemersic, L. & Pleadin, J. (2018). Analytical methods used for the authentication of food...