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Produire du lait à l'herbe : un atout pour la santé du consommateur !

Produire du lait à l'herbe : un atout pour la santé du consommateur !

Froidmont, E. (2018). Produire du lait à l'herbe : un atout pour la santé du consommateur ! Publication sur le site du projet "Protecow" : www.interreg-protecow.eu, 12 novembre 2018,...

Sexual selection contributes to partial restoration of phenotypic robustness in a butterfly

Sexual selection contributes to partial restoration of phenotypic robustness in a butterfly

Nieberding, C.M. , San Martin, G. , Saenko, S. , Allen, C.E. , Brakefield, P.M. & Visser, B. (2018). Sexual selection contributes to partial restoration of phenotypic robustness...



Collaboration avec l’Agence Internationale de l’Energie Atomique

Protocol for the isolation of  processed animal proteins from insects in feed and their identification by microscopy

Protocol for the isolation of processed animal proteins from insects in feed and their identification by microscopy

Veys, P. & Baeten, V. (2018). Protocol for the isolation of processed animal proteins from insects in feed and their identification by microscopy. Food Control, 92: 496-504.

Cultures maraîchères après destruction de prairies permanentes : rappel de la législation et bonnes pratiques agronomiques

Cultures maraîchères après destruction de prairies permanentes : rappel de la législation et bonnes pratiques agronomiques

Hardy, B. & Godden, B. (2018). Cultures maraîchères après destruction de prairies permanentes : rappel de la législation et bonnes pratiques agronomiques. Poster in: Hortifolies...

Cereals and cereal-based products

Cereals and cereal-based products

Lees, M. , Morin, J.F. , Vermeulen, P. , Baeten, V. , Maestri, E. & Marmiroli, N. (2018). Cereals and cereal-based products In: FoodIntegrity Handbook, Jean-François Morin & Michèle...

Survey of European Crop Diversification Experiences - First Results of the DiverIMPACTS Project

Survey of European Crop Diversification Experiences - First Results of the DiverIMPACTS Project

Drexler, D. , Vanwindekens, F. , Legein, L. , Mertens, C. , Jung, T. , Stilmant, D. & Messéan, A. (2018). Survey of European Crop Diversification Experiences - First Results of...

Smart farming applied to dairy cow feeding using NIR spectroscopy

Smart farming applied to dairy cow feeding using NIR spectroscopy

Chamberland, N. , Vermeulen, P. , Lecler, B. , Decruyenaere, V. , Froidmont, E. & Baeten, V. (2018). Smart farming applied to dairy cow feeding using NIR spectroscopy. Poster in:...

Success and failure factors of  crop diversification across Europe. In : DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN ORGANIC RESEARCH. Strengthening partnerships across Europe and beyond

Success and failure factors of crop diversification across Europe. In : DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN ORGANIC RESEARCH. Strengthening partnerships across Europe and beyond

Drexler, D. , Mertens, C. , Jung, T. & Vanwindekens, F. (2018). Success and failure factors of crop diversification across Europe. In : DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN ORGANIC RESEARCH....