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Extraction and characterization of water-extractable and water-unextractable arabinoxylans from spelt bran: Study of the hydrolysis conditions for monosaccharides analysis

Extraction and characterization of water-extractable and water-unextractable arabinoxylans from spelt bran: Study of the hydrolysis conditions for monosaccharides analysis

Escarnot, E. , Aguedo, M. , Agneessens, R. , Wathelet, B. & Paquot, M. (2011). Extraction and characterization of water-extractable and water-unextractable arabinoxylans from spelt...

Effects of dietary fibres on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions associated to gestating sows

Effects of dietary fibres on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions associated to gestating sows

Philippe, F.X. , Laitat, M. , Wavreille, J. , Bartiaux-Thill, N. , Nicks, B. & Cabaraux, J.F. (2011). Effects of dietary fibres on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions associated...

Comparison of PLS1-DA, PLS2-DA and SIMCA for classification by origin of crude petroleum oils by MIR and virgin olive oils by NIR for different spectral regions

Comparison of PLS1-DA, PLS2-DA and SIMCA for classification by origin of crude petroleum oils by MIR and virgin olive oils by NIR for different spectral regions

Galtier, O. , Abbas, O. , Le Dréau, Y. , Rebufa, C. , Kister, J. , Artaud, J. & Dupuy, N. (2011). Comparison of PLS1-DA, PLS2-DA and SIMCA for classification by origin of crude...

2. Variétés

2. Variétés

Seutin, B. , Vancutsem, F. , Couvreur, L. , Herman, J.-. , Sinnaeve, G. , Gofflot, S. , Massaux, C. , Sindic, M. , De Proft, M. , Goffart, J.-. & Bodson, B. (2011). 2. Variétés...

In vitro-picloram induced somatic embryogeneis from Laeflets of cherry ( Prunus incisa Thunb.).

In vitro-picloram induced somatic embryogeneis from Laeflets of cherry ( Prunus incisa Thunb.).

Ben Mahmoud, K.. , Nadhra, E. , Ahlem, C. , Jemmali, A. & Druart, P. (2011). In vitro-picloram induced somatic embryogeneis from Laeflets of cherry ( Prunus incisa Thunb.). Lifes...

Expression of PiABP19, Picdc2 and PiSERK3 during induction of somatic embryogenesis in leaflets of Prunus incisa (Thunb.)

Expression of PiABP19, Picdc2 and PiSERK3 during induction of somatic embryogenesis in leaflets of Prunus incisa (Thunb.)

Ben Mahmoud, K. , Delporte, F. , Muhovski, Y. , Elloumi, N. , Jemmali, A. & Druart, P. (2011). Expression of PiABP19, Picdc2 and PiSERK3 during induction of somatic embryogenesis...

Cryopreservation of in vitro buds of apple following the droplet vitrification method.

Cryopreservation of in vitro buds of apple following the droplet vitrification method.

Condello, E. , Caboni, E. , Andrè, E. , Piette, B. , Druart, P. , Swennen, R. & Panis, B. (2011). Cryopreservation of in vitro buds of apple following the droplet vitrification...

Phytoremédiation: apports des techniques de culture in vitro.

Phytoremédiation: apports des techniques de culture in vitro.

Bajji, M. (2011). Phytoremédiation: apports des techniques de culture in vitro. Poster in: Journée de réflexion sur le thème: « Alternatives aux terres agricoles pour la production...

Protocol development for in vitro assessment of cadmium tolerance in black alder and willow at the callus and whole plant levels.

Protocol development for in vitro assessment of cadmium tolerance in black alder and willow at the callus and whole plant levels.

Bajji, M.. & Druart, P. (2011). Protocol development for in vitro assessment of cadmium tolerance in black alder and willow at the callus and whole plant levels. Poster in: 7th...