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Resilience of contribution to food security of specialized Walloon dairy systems.

Resilience of contribution to food security of specialized Walloon dairy systems.

Battheu-Noirfalise, C. , Froidmont, E. , Stilmant, D. & Beckers, Y. (2023). Resilience of contribution to food security of specialized Walloon dairy systems. Proceedings in: 74th...

Vers la production d'une pomme de terre bas intrants: Résultats de la première année d'essai sur l'efficience azotée (2022)

Vers la production d'une pomme de terre bas intrants: Résultats de la première année d'essai sur l'efficience azotée (2022)

Decruyenaere, F. & Ben Abdallah, F. (2023). Vers la production d'une pomme de terre bas intrants: Résultats de la première année d'essai sur l'efficience azotée (2022) Fiwap Info...

Evaluation of the PCR method for the detection of poultry DNA

Evaluation of the PCR method for the detection of poultry DNA

Marien, A. , Fumière, O. , Maljean, J. & Berben, G. (2023). Evaluation of the PCR method for the detection of poultry DNA.CRA-W, 1-32.

Consideration of fecal near-infrared spectra to estimate methane eructed by dairy or beef cattle (Session 10)

Consideration of fecal near-infrared spectra to estimate methane eructed by dairy or beef cattle (Session 10)

Vanlierde, A. , Dehareng, F. , Mertens, A. , Mathot, M. , Lefevre, A. , Morel, I. , Renand G. , Rochette Y. , Picard, F. , Martin, C. & Andueza, D. (2023). Consideration of fecal...


Cartes " Cumul mensuel pluviométrique en Belgique" - AGROMET II

Rosillon, D. (2023). Cartes " Cumul mensuel pluviométrique en Belgique" - AGROMET II. Bulletins mensuels de la FIWAP,

Spatial and temporal variations of currently used pesticides (CUPs) concentrations in ambient air in Wallonia, Belgium

Spatial and temporal variations of currently used pesticides (CUPs) concentrations in ambient air in Wallonia, Belgium

Habran, S. , Giusti, A. , Galloy, A. , Gérard, G. , Delvaux, A. , Pigeon, O. & Remy, S. (2023). Spatial and temporal variations of currently used pesticides (CUPs) concentrations...

Near-infrared spectra from faeces as a proxy of enteric methane emissions and intake in beef cattle

Near-infrared spectra from faeces as a proxy of enteric methane emissions and intake in beef cattle

Andueza, D. , Picard, F. , Pourrat, J. , Vanlierde, A. , Nozière, P. , Cantalapiedra-Hijar, G. , Morgavi, D. , De la Torre-Capitan, A. , Dehareng, F. , Martin, C. & Renand G. (2023)....

Differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes serotypes using near infrared hyperspectral imaging

Differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes serotypes using near infrared hyperspectral imaging

Matenda, R. , Rip, D. , Fernández Pierna, J.A. , Baeten, V. & Williams, P.J. (2023). Differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes serotypes using near infrared hyperspectral imaging....

L’effet des traitements de semence sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver.

L’effet des traitements de semence sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver.

Hardy, B. , Belvaux, E. , Calonne-Salmon, M. , Huyghebaert, B. & Declerck, S. (2023). L’effet des traitements de semence sur la mycorhization du froment d’hiver. Livre Blanc Céréales...