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Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbredd performances of Piétrain boars in the Walloon Region of Belgium

Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbredd performances of Piétrain boars in the Walloon Region of Belgium

Dufrasne, M. , Hammani, H. , Jaspart, V. , Wavreille, J. & Gengler, N. (2010). Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbredd performances...

Limiter les émissions de méthane par nos ruminants : quels stratégies ?

Limiter les émissions de méthane par nos ruminants : quels stratégies ?

Froidmont, E. (2010). Limiter les émissions de méthane par nos ruminants : quels stratégies ? Magazine de la Filière viande bovine wallonne 3-8.

The 2010 IDRC software shoot-out at a glance

The 2010 IDRC software shoot-out at a glance

Igne, B. , Dardenne, P. , Honigs, D. , Kuenstner, J. , Norris, K. , Shi, Z. & Westerhaus, M. (2010). The 2010 IDRC software shoot-out at a glance NIR Publications Vol. 21, (N°8),...

First report of molecular identification of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' in apple trees in Belgium

First report of molecular identification of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' in apple trees in Belgium

Olivier, T. , Steyer, S. , Demonty, E. & Laurent, P. (2010). First report of molecular identification of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' in apple trees in Belgium New Disease Reports...

Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbred performances of Piétrain boars in the Walloon Region of Belgium

Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbred performances of Piétrain boars in the Walloon Region of Belgium

Dufrasne, M. , Hammami, H. , Jaspart, V. , Wavreille, J. & Gengler, N. (2010). Development of a new genetic evaluation model for carcass quality based on crossbred performances...

Intérêt de Quassia amara et des extraits des plantes dans la protection des cultures.

Intérêt de Quassia amara et des extraits des plantes dans la protection des cultures.

Wateau, K.. , Legrand, M.. , Tournant, L.. & Jamar, L.. (2010). Intérêt de Quassia amara et des extraits des plantes dans la protection des cultures. Proceedings in: Journées Européennes...

Protection des légumes et fruits bio, Lille la transfrontalière.

Protection des légumes et fruits bio, Lille la transfrontalière.

Oste, S.. , Jamar, L.. , Fitoussi, J.. & Duvauchelle, S.. (2010). Protection des légumes et fruits bio, Lille la transfrontalière. Phytoma, la Défense des végétaux. 639, 7-9.

Urgent need for new appel breeding methods better adapted to low-input agro-ecosystems.

Urgent need for new appel breeding methods better adapted to low-input agro-ecosystems.

Warlop, F.. , Dapena, E.. , Lateur, M.. , Bastiaanse, H.. , Blazquez, M.D.. , Fillatre, J.. , Gomez, C.. , Jamar, L.. , Leterme, E.. , Libourel, G.. , Minarro, M.. , Parveaud, C.E.....

Modelling plant diseases impact with the Belgian Crop Growth Monitoring System

Modelling plant diseases impact with the Belgian Crop Growth Monitoring System

El Jarroudi, M. , Kouadio, L. , Martin, B. , Giraud, F. , Delfosse, P. , Hoffmann, L. , Curnel, Y. & Tychon, B. (2010). Modelling plant diseases impact with the Belgian Crop Growth...